
New member
Jul 26, 2013
Dallas, TX
Hi, this message goes out to those of you who own the REF10 and are/were former REF5SE owners. I'm currently using a REF5SE but am considering upgrading to the REF10. As you went from the 5SE to the 10, would you describe the sonic improvement as transformative or evolutionary? I'm not the type of audiophile who likes buying the best simply to know that I own the state of the art, so to this end, I'd greatly appreciate folk's honest opinions on whether they found the sonic upgrade between the 5SE and the 10 a good "return on investment" when considering the incremental cost between the two.

Many thanks,

Hi Battles,
I'm 100% with you about buying an equipment just to have the best.
But this is not the case about the REF10, is more than double the price of the REF5se but
Is so more detail and info without the need to more gain to achieve it.
The soundstage gets more open and breathes in front of you like a live concert.
Micro dynamics, Micro dynamics,Micro dynamics ......
Blacker background like never heard before and the sound is so mind Blowing
you will understand why cost so much. When I heard its attributes on its debut on RMAF2012
was love at first sight, I told my self that I need to get one fast. It will be your last pre amp
nothing comes close to the real sound as the REF10. Sorry to all my friend that have other brands
but the REF10 if is not in 1st place, im pretty sure is next to it. Is that good my friend.
you don't see nobody selling it used anywhere, is definitely a keeper. ARC RULES !!!!!!
I've stopped even reading about other preamps when I got mine. It's what I built my entire system around.
It is mind blowing, to say is one of the best or next to the best is an understatement and no offense to other sharks, the Ref 10 like Mike said a while back "is the best preamp in the world". Again audition and come to your own conclusion although I’m sure that you will agree with us. Warning you will get hooked.
I know the Ref10 is a tube preamp but has anyone compared it against the Taking K10? They both seem to be revered pieces and acclaimed by those who have heard them as "the best".
I know the Ref10 is a tube preamp but has anyone compared it against the Taking K10? They both seem to be revered pieces and acclaimed by those who have heard them as "the best".

do you mean the Robert Koda Takumi K-10 Preamplifier?
After the power cord change to my REF 5SE I read this thread and scratch my head “How can it possibly get any better than this?” Is the REF 10 three times as good as my REF 5SE?
After the power cord change to my REF 5SE I read this thread and scratch my head “How can it possibly get any better than this?” Is the REF 10 three times as good as my REF 5SE?

No, only twice as good.;) I owned the Ref 10 for two years before I went sans preamp with the Select II DAC. It is a world class sounding preamp.

really don't want to derail this thread, but if you're considering preamps at this price point, soulution has to be in the mix. i did a massive upgrade from an entry level arc pre (ls 17se) to the 721 and was blown away.

admittedly, i have not heard what the ref5se, ref6, and ref10 can do but the biggest difference i noticed from my switch was more precise imaging - the arc had a wonderfully big sound stage but resulted in floating heads. it was great for electronic music that way but not so much for vocals. the tone from the soulution is spot on through all frequencies and, while cliche, i felt that a veil was lifted. the reason i was eager to switch was because at some point i noticed the arc had a bit of a whitish tonal palette. anyways, ymmv and you may have already tested soulution pres and not liked them - but thought i'd share my feedback anyways :)
I don't know how I missed this post. I will tell you right now that the "entry level" ARC LS 17 preamp is just that. To get one started in high fidelity playback. I've owned 5 ARC preamps each one a step up before arriving to the Ref 10 after selling the Ref 5SE. I was fortunate to get one of their factory demo units that they were no longer using. Wow what a major difference. The Ref 10 is "twice as good" as the Ref 5SE as someone else said before. It's primarily the tube power supply. It adds so much dynamic presence that the Ref 5SE just cannot produce. More detail, less noise, etc. The same points as echoed before by other members prior to my post.
I don't know how I missed this post. I will tell you right now that the "entry level" ARC LS 17 preamp is just that.

yep, no disagreements here on that. i havent had the pleasure of hearing arc's higher end offerings but i can confidently say that with the pieces i have heard, i'm a fan. i saw others mentioning the k10 so figured i'd share my experience with the soulution. is the 720 as good as the ref 10 - dunno. it works for me, and their price points (at least on the used market) are not too dissimilar. then we have the whole aspect of tubes vs solid state and all that. if op wants to demo a bunch of choices before deciding then i think at this price point soulution is a contender - and at this price point, i'd like to add, i don't think you could do much better by spending more. this is all top tier gear.