Acoustical Nitemare!


New member
Apr 12, 2013
Is there a place I can read all about acoustical treatments.
Like a "for dummies " book or something.
I need to learn about this quick. I got some issues.
As the title reads my house is an acoustical nitemare .
My ceiling is slanted so its from 9 -12 ft high, the high side is over a short hallway which my speaker is right next to. My room is rectangle but the 12' high ceiling side is a 1/2 wall.
Ok too hard to explain without a pic. Lol.
Ill get a pic maybe someone can help.
My preamp has a balance knob for such reasons and I think it sounds best with one click toward left side
. . . . My ceiling is slanted so its from 9 -12 ft high, the high side is over a short hallway which my speaker is right next to. My room is rectangle but the 12' high ceiling side is a 1/2 wall. . . . My preamp has a balance knob for such reasons and I think it sounds best with one click toward left side

The need for your balance control to be offset is actually going to be more affected by frequency than anything else. Your bass will sound weaker where there is less wall for reflection, but the mids and highs will be largely unaffected regardless of ceiling height. You may actually need to adjust the left and right bass trim more than the left and right balance.

I have experience with this. My low frequency amplifier is actually set VERY SLIGHTLY lower on the right side which is closer to the corner but has the higher ceiling than the left side where the ceiling is slightly lower and the woofer column is slightly farther from the corner. My midrange and high frequency amplifiers are set exactly the same.
Hey Steve,

I'm doing a bunch of research on the topic right now myself. Will collect and forward some links I've found. Just started, so nothing too deep, but gives some intro.

There are plethora of products out there. Jeff from AVS sells ASC Tube Traps and Vicoustics and I will likely go that route if I don't hire someone to treat the room.

Mark, look forward to your feedback as well.
I invited Ethan (Winer) here a while ago, but he told me that he was keeping busy for now.

You can google him, and see the various videos he made, plus articles in his own website, and even his book.

If you have technical questions about acoustical room treatments; check the dedicated forum section over at WBF (What'sBestForum). ...Few experts over there.
Hey Steve,

I'm doing a bunch of research on the topic right now myself. Will collect and forward some links I've found. Just started, so nothing too deep, but gives some intro.

There are plethora of products out there. Jeff from AVS sells ASC Tube Traps and Vicoustics and I will likely go that route if I don't hire someone to treat the room.

Mark, look forward to your feedback as well.

Funny thing you mention Jeff.. I was on the phone with Jeff earlier and had him place an order for me 8 of the Vicoustic panels :D
Which ones did you get, Dewey? I was think WaveWood and Cinema Rounds.
Which ones did you get, Dewey? I was think WaveWood and Cinema Rounds.


Jeff has been to my place a few times, and have a very good understanding how my room is. Jeff had recommend starting out with the Cinema Round Premiun for now..
Call ATS Acoustics. Give them the dimensions of your room and send them pictures of your room. They were very helpful with me.
Call ATS Acoustics. Give them the dimensions of your room and send them pictures of your room. They were very helpful with me.
I need a service like that because I don't know what I need and where.
Ill make a diagram and take some pics.
Thanks everyone!
Here I am! Hey Steve, just wanted to say hi. You seem pretty happy with the Hovland. I'm glad for you

Which ones did you get, Dewey? I was think WaveWood and Cinema Rounds.


Jeff put an order in for the Cinema Round Premium on Tuesday, it already arrived today.. That was some speedy service!!:bananasplit::bananasplit::bananasplit:
Great to hear, Dewey. I called Jeff the other night to talk Vicoustics. But we didn't get there, we just chatted about music, concerts, and the great listening sessions you guys recently had (Eagles, Boz Scaggs).:D

Hope to call Jeff some time this weekend to put in an order for some tube traps and vicoustics for my room.:coolyeah:
Steve, I think Bob posted some great links above. Not sure if these are included in there, but I found them helpful in getting started:

6Moons reviews the buildout of a dedicated listening room, from construction to acoustic treatment to speaker layout. This chapter covers some of the basics of room acoustics before showing how they treated the room. Entire article is a good read, too.
Chapter III - A Lay Introduction to Room Acoustics

I found this link helpful as a starting point for treating rooms. I'm thinking of going Tube Traps in the corners and Vicoustics along the side walls, but the theory and placement should be pretty similar to below.
TubeTrap™ Layouts

If ever in need of advice, call Jeff from AVS. Jeff's extremely knowledgable about this stuff:scholar: and I've spent hours with him on the phone talking acoustic treatments.

Good luck with what you decide and keep us posted!