Acoustic Bell


Apr 7, 2013
Well I did a little speaker rearranging yesterday and order a couple of more Real Traps to fill the gaps and some how came across this product on the internet. It seem to be another harmonic acoustic product. It called the high end novum pmr premium no.2 Does anyone have one of these in their listening room or is it voodoo?

highend-electronics Products: Highend Novum

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I just hang up a couple of old woks.


It seems like voodoo to me, but I don't have one so who knows. At 7" in diameter it would make a nice candy dish or a place to throw your keys if it didn't work out. :)

update: The 7" size is for the Initium. At $1350 a pop that's an expensive candy dish!
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It seems like voodoo to me, but I don't have one so who knows. At 7" in diameter it would make a nice candy dish or a place to throw your keys if it didn't work out. :)

It'll be one expensive candy dish though!
No joke, they really work.
On RMAF last year I saw some rooms with them and when they take it out
The room started to sound very bouncy and bright.

The only thing that I did not like was the price
No joke, they really work.
On RMAF last year I saw some rooms with them and when they take it out
The room started to sound very bouncy and bright.

The only thing that I did not like was the price
I'm curious now...
Almost year ago we've decided to test PMR just for fun, but after first listening session nobody was laughing. Maybe for "normal" people this is a pure voodoo, but for audiophiles - hear means believe. - PMR Premium

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Almost year ago we've decided to test PMR just for fun, but after first listening session nobody was laughing. Maybe for "normal" people this is a pure voodoo, but for audiophiles - hear means believe. - PMR Premium


I've got too much time on my hands, but:

Has anyone actually been in the same room as this HighEnd Novum PMR (Passive Multi-Vocal Resonator)?

The strangest tweak ever | PS Audio

Not looking for wise cracks but opinions from those who have had "ears in the same room" as one of these things. Mysterious.

One more question: has anyone here actually ordered this thing and have it currently planted in their listening room? I'd like an opinion from that person.
I thought I saw one of these at Bob's Rhapsody when we had our get together last spring?
I voiced a system for a client in MD. about a year ago.

He had one, but I wanted it out while I was voicing the system.

After I was done, we brought it back in and it definitely made a difference.

In this case however, not for the better.

I think he sold it.
Has anyone actually been in the same room as this HighEnd Novum PMR (Passive Multi-Vocal Resonator)?

Not looking for wise cracks but opinions from those who have had "ears in the same room" as one of these things. Mysterious.

Yep, Room sounded OK--but they didn't NOT have it installed on the occasions I visited--

Maybe another Poster that was at Newport heard the room sans the "bell"




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I voiced a system for a client in MD. about a year ago.

He had one, but I wanted it out while I was voicing the system.

After I was done, we brought it back in and it definitely made a difference.

In this case however, not for the better.

I think he sold it.

Jim, it's nice to see you haunting A.S. Thanks for your opinion on having the bell inside and outside the room. Nice to have someone's view who doesn't have "a dog in the hunt". So many reviewers view this item favorably as they do other audio items. So subjective and subject to placebo effect and confirmation bias which I've been guilty of myself.

Jim, I'm on my second reading of your book "Get Better Sound". It has really opened my eyes to what is important to setting up your two channel system. I appreciate your emailing out your Quarterly Notes as a supplement to the book as well. I enjoy your podcasts too.

Have you got your new listening room in your new residence all dialed in now?
Have you got your new listening room in your new residence all dialed in now?

Yep, as discussed in the latest Quarter Notes newsletter & Breaking Through podcast, it's finally there, after a longer-than-and-unexpected series of events that needed to be overcome. :victory:

