Shunyata Denali Owners Thread

So if I went for the 6000S would my amps, pre and digital all go into it? Or keep amps straight to the wall until add one or two 2000's?
So if I went for the 6000S would my amps, pre and digital all go into it? Or keep amps straight to the wall until add one or two 2000's?

Yes. 6000S or 6000T brilliantly handles preamp, 3 sources, 2 amps.
Yes. 6000S or 6000T brilliantly handles preamp, 3 sources, 2 amps.

Hi Mike,

What configuration would you recommend for two mono amps, two subwoofer amps, preamp, DAC, CD Player and music server?

Hi Mike,

What configuration would you recommend for two mono amps, two subwoofer amps, preamp, DAC, CD Player and music server?


Two 2000T's and one 6000T. Same as what I will be using in the Magico room on the M3's.

REL G1 Mk2 and one Soulution 511 or Vitus amp into one 2000T
REL G1 mk2 and the other Soulution 511 into the other 2000T
Soulution or Vitus preamp, DAC, N10, Phono preamp into the 6000T

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Two 2000T's and one 6000T. Same as what I will be using in the Magico room on the M3's.REL G1 Mk2 and one Soulution 511 or Vitus amp into one 2000TREL G1 mk2 and the other Soulution 511 into the other 2000TSoulution or Vitus preamp, DAC, N10, Phono preamp into the 6000TSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Mike,

Do you think two 6000S conditioners would sound as good? They would give me four spare 15 amp outlets (>25 dB noise suppression from inlet) and I would need one less main power cord.

I am demoing a 2000T on my Grail amps..So far i am not sure there is any improvement. I have only had it for 2 ,1 hr listening sessions. Does it improve with time..?
Thanks Mike,

Do you think two 6000S conditioners would sound as good? They would give me four spare 15 amp outlets (>25 dB noise suppression from inlet) and I would need one less main power cord.


Perhaps. I've never compared. But if I had your system, I would go two 2000T's and a 6000S (or "T").

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Have decided to get the 6000S and use on full system..can't wait. The 2000T worked superbly on my Lumin A1..
Good question..i tend to have 'knee jerk' reactions to new gear but am smart enough to go back and give things a little more time to register in my mind one way or another.After the initial impression,and actually taking the '2000T' out of the system, i decided to give it another 3-4 days,after listening to my system without it.After reinstalling it, i began noticing, not too subtle improvements that i realized were,in fact, exactly that,improvements. That is when i emailed Richard,at Shunyata,and asked him if it was okay to try the 2000T on my Lumin and when i did i liked those improvements even more.Thus the purchase next week of a 6000S which will fit better,in my system, than a 6000T..Should be a win-win situation...i hope.
Congratulations. I have been a Shunyata fan ever since I added my first power cord (Venom) 3-4 years ago. What they do with power is amazing. I am going to get both of my Triton v2 upgraded to v3 that will add the Denali technology onto the Triton.
Nice, I ordered myself a 6000T to replace my Triton V1. After much debating between upgrading my TritonV1 to a V3. I didn't need the extra outlets as I have downsized a few components.

Shunyata makes world class products. Looking forward to the new interconnects and speaker cables. Hopefully announced at CES.
Well, in the end ............... I succumbed to the temptation. Denali 6000T ordered from a dealer. I hope to have it in 20 days.
Given the great reviews I've read on this and other forums, I purchased a Denali as well! Of course, I didn't realize I needed a 20amp PC to the wall. Curious, what are people using from the wall to the Denali - a Shunyata PC or just generic 20amp PC? From Denali to components, I intend to use good PCs, but from wall to Denali, anyone experiment with generic or entry level PCs with good results? Just curious.

Given the great reviews I've read on this and other forums, I purchased a Denali as well! Of course, I didn't realize I needed a 20amp PC to the wall. Curious, what are people using from the wall to the Denali - a Shunyata PC or just generic 20amp PC? From Denali to components, I intend to use good PCs, but from wall to Denali, anyone experiment with generic or entry level PCs with good results? Just curious.


After some comparisons I decided to use a Alpha HC from the 6000T to the wall. I still prefer the Transparent MM2x Power Cords from my amps to the Denali. I haven't tired the Sigma's nor Opus units as I have (currently) drawn a line in the sand at how much I am willing to spend on PC's.