RMAF 2013 Pictures



I know,Joe !! We need at least a comment about that system :huh:

VAC gear was the best tube I've ever heard. Blew me away. The VTL sounded thin by comparison. The Alexia's sounded better with the Doshi and quite frankly - to me - with the Alexia's - its D'Agostino or nothing. Every other amp hasn't been that impressive - except for the Mc 601's on the Alexia's. It wasn't bad at all. But these tube amps on the Alexia's have not impressed at all.

As for the Tannoy speakers, I didn't care for the tweeter and no bass.

Best speakers so far are Vivid. Can you say G2's? Alexia with Doshi is a tie. Maybe better in some areas. Focal's are a very close second to these two and the Aesthetix gear was excellent.
VAC gear was the best tube I've ever heard. Blew me away. The Doshi and VTL sounded thin by comparison.

As for the speakers, I didn't care for the tweeter and no bass.

Best speakers so far are Vivid. Can you say G2's? Focal's are a very close second and the Aesthetix gear was excellent.

Haha, I'm glad you were able to overlook the unique look of the Vivid to appreciate the sound. Love the constant updates. Have you even eaten yet?!
Mike, thanks for the updates, awesome! Seems like you're making your way pretty efficiently through the rooms! I enjoyed the Vivid's at the NYAS. I think it was one of Bob's rooms in fact.

Keep the updates coming!
Mike, thanks for the updates, awesome! Seems like you're making your way pretty efficiently through the rooms! I enjoyed the Vivid's at the NYAS. I think it was one of Bob's rooms in fact.

Keep the updates coming!

Thanks Allen. I updated my post above re: the Alexia's. I went back to the VTL room (for a fourth time) and the Doshi room for a second time.
Thanks Allen. I updated my post above re: the Alexia's. I went back to the VTL room (for a fourth time) and the Doshi room for a second time.

Sounds like you are solidifying your next amp and speaker purchase!

What's on your must listen list right now?
You should go back to the TAD room, I'm sure it just needs time to break in and warm up!!:P
Vac is very impressive in person. I almost got their two chassis preamp. Probably more air then any per I have ever heard. Only downside is when one tube of 12 popped and we had to replace all 12 before we were done. A little hiss was worth the trade off of such incredible air and depth


These speakers are outstanding. 104db efficient. Gorgeous build. Matching sub. $17,500/pair. Check out Art Dudley's review in Oct Stereophile of these. Class A rated.

Too big for my room though.... :(