2014 New York Audio Show

Myles. DO you recall what mono block amps were being used with the VANDERSTEEN 7'S in the picture you posted ?

Those are the new Vandersteen liquid cooled mono locks that I mentioned in the write up. IIRC from CES they were a SE push-push design specifically mated to the speaker's drivers.
Anyone else notice that tw acoustic was using a CD liner booklet as product description? Love the irony

'Crept it was bigger than... :)

And I contributed to Jeff breaking a knob off his RCM. :( He didn't have it hooked up correctly so the fan exhausted the condensation. In pulling the cover off, he broke the drying knob off.... :(

Coming soon to a screen near you! :yahoo1:

Myles, Peter, nice wrap up! You guys called out some of my favorite rooms: Vac/Utopia, Verity/Audia Flight/TW acustic, and the Nola room. Great job, guys!:thumbsup:
He may have gone on Sunday when they finally overcame speaker issues and fired up the caps Server.
So please give some description of what you did not like. Saying you didn't like it "because" undermines the statement. I found the room open and dynamic, but at times a little harsh at the top end. I thought that was largely a function of the speakers.
I don't get caught up with what sounds bad at shows, nor do I want to get into a pissing contest with another reviewer. If something sounds good at a show, it's worth investigating; if something sounds bad, it doesn't mean anything.

Nor does it necessarily have anything to do with Lampizator since I thought they put on a good show out at Axpona with Vapor Audio.

OTOH, for me a little harsh is like being a little pregnant. Either it is or it isn't.
Myles/Peter - another great job!! There is indeed a wonderful synergy between VAC and FOCAL.
I don't get caught up with what sounds bad at shows, nor do I want to get into a pissing contest with another reviewer. If something sounds good at a show, it's worth investigating; if something sounds bad, it doesn't mean anything.

Nor does it necessarily have anything to do with Lampizator since I thought they put on a good show out at Axpona with Vapor Audio.

OTOH, for me a little harsh is like being a little pregnant. Either it is or it isn't.

Yes. Saying I disagree that it sounded good, but not saying anything else, clearly avoids confrontation... It's basically the definition of passive aggressive. Saying something without context is why the vast majority of audio press has limited utility. I don't get it. If someone holds them-self out to be a critic, be a critic. I will refrain from comment on this subject afterwards.

I thought once they got off stock tubes it sounded good.

I think Shawn, to be fair, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the manufacturers. They are often given only a few hours to setup their systems in a completely foreign room. I don't think speaking negatively of a manufacturer who works extremely hard on their product and dedicates their life to their business is going to benefit anyone. When you consider that show conditions (bad rooms, dirty AC, etc.) is not an ideal environment, it's best to speak of the good things you hear and not bash a company for a bad room because people will infer a report of a bad system at a show as being a "bad product generally" - and that's not usually the case.
Shawn I tried to be subtle but obviously it didn't work. I'm not about to have my ass handed to me because I criticized a manufacturers room on a bulletin board.
I entirely understand the concern you have as to the room acoustics, etc. That said, most people don't have dedicated, uncompromisingly built listening rooms. I live in a Brooklyn apartment with high ceilings and smallish rooms. It's a tough space and I appreciate hearing in hotel rooms because it isn't an ideal condition. No normal person has those ideal conditions. Regardless, I bought a Lampi Big 7 at the show because I liked how it sounded and the great detail it retrieved. I made an observation, however, that at times, the extended highs were a bit on the harsh side. That was resolved, at least for me, by a tube switch. My point to you was a passive aggressive comment without context is more detrimental than any constructive criticism as to what could be done better. It was bad, but not going to say why or how it could have improved is not helpful and only serves to perpetuate the endemic issues in audio reviews. It's why I treat most reviews as being not worth the time to read. I have said my peace and will move on.
Shawn - to flip this around, if Myles had said "the room X sucked"....what purpose would that serve? Would this give you pause in terms of purchasing a product? Would it give the internet community food for fodder? I would say that there is more power in what is not said rather than what is.
But that is the point. He did say that, though indirectly. I don't want to discuss this further. I will not change the industry and, thankfully, it is only a hobby for me.