Audio Dealers


Outside of the store


Entry / reception area


System #3 with YG Sonja 1.3, darTZeel, MSB and Kronos.


System #2 with the Avantgarde Zero 1


System #1 with YG Carmel 2, Hegel, Auralic and Music Hall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

On the distribution front, no. We're the sole distributor. I understand Silvio (the head of Audiopax) has some local help in the San Francisco area, but I don't know everybody there, so maybe John is involved in that aspect.
We're signing up dealers at this point, so John is welcome to get back onboard, if he's reading this :)
As a side note, we're dealers for Avantgarde, and we'll have a dedicated room for the pairing (Audiopax+Avantgarde)! We're waiting for the first batch of Audiopax gear, but once it's here, I'll post pics!


Unfortunately, no. Actually our purpose is to bring the joy of record shopping back, with quality LPs that you hardly see in physical stores anymore, since the store owners just list everything up on eBay and don't even put them on the shelves anymore...
But if you have any specific wants, for both old or new LPs, please let me know and I'll keep an eye out for them for you! We're all crazy LP collectors here, and we're always digging for gold :)


Sounds like a good operating model. My local record store (Princeton Record Exchange) is doing pretty well and thus far they have also avoided the internet trap and rely solely on customers coming in and thumbing through their selections. They are doing pretty well given the crowds I see every time I'm there.

Alex, I will PM you a short list. I recently got into vinyl and can't get enough of the good stuff! :P

Thanks, Allen.

PREX is one of my faves! One of the best in the country, I'd say. I always find great bargains there, and a rarity or two!
Well, send that list in!

Our company is the exclusive distributor for a few brands here in the Philippines. While I first got into this to help fund an expensive hobby, exposure to new people and their music has been quite the wonderful and unexpected reward. Other bonuses are the excuse to travel to various shows around the world as well as factory visits where so much insight can be gleaned from direct interaction with the manufacturers.

While these days my personal systems are made up of mostly products made by companies we represent, this has been fairly recent. There are many brands that I owned that I still love, respect and have no hesitation to recommend.

Our main business is a Media conglomerate. We are partners in a publicly listed TV and Radio Network. Wholly and partially owned subsidiaries include a TV Commercial production house, a record label, a Post Production/Film Lab and Massive Multiplayer Gaming. My personal experience includes Recording Engineering, Audio Editing for Film and TV, Design and Construction of Critical Listening Environments. I took specialist courses at Full Sail in Orlando Florida a decade and a half ago as part of the process that built the equipment and workflow roadmap for our migration from analog to digital. Acquisition to broadcast. A career detour (drafted into Politics where I served as a Legislator) had me leaving the industry just as I was starting (prior to that I was in Brand Management) and at that time I needed to channel my passion for sound elsewhere. That led me to high end audio's deep, deep end. LOL. Online I am a moderator on two other audio forums. Forums are like clubs. Each one has its own vibe and I appreciate what vibe each one has.

I will create my signature shortly.
Beautiful space, Alexandre!! So much like a home vs. a dedicated listening room. Very nice!!

I'll PM you the list some time during the week. Thanks!:P
Our company is the exclusive distributor for a few brands here in the Philippines. While I first got into this to help fund an expensive hobby, exposure to new people and their music has been quite the wonderful and unexpected reward. Other bonuses are the excuse to travel to various shows around the world as well as factory visits where so much insight can be gleaned from direct interaction with the manufacturers.

While these days my personal systems are made up of mostly products made by companies we represent, this has been fairly recent. There are many brands that I owned that I still love, respect and have no hesitation to recommend.

Our main business is a Media conglomerate. We are partners in a publicly listed TV and Radio Network. Wholly and partially owned subsidiaries include a TV Commercial production house, a record label, a Post Production/Film Lab and Massive Multiplayer Gaming. My personal experience includes Recording Engineering, Audio Editing for Film and TV, Design and Construction of Critical Listening Environments. I took specialist courses at Full Sail in Orlando Florida a decade and a half ago as part of the process that built the equipment and workflow roadmap for our migration from analog to digital. Acquisition to broadcast. A career detour (drafted into Politics where I served as a Legislator) had me leaving the industry just as I was starting (prior to that I was in Brand Management) and at that time I needed to channel my passion for sound elsewhere. That led me to high end audio's deep, deep end. LOL. Online I am a moderator on two other audio forums. Forums are like clubs. Each one has its own vibe and I appreciate what vibe each one has.

I will create my signature shortly.

What a great story, Jack, thanks for sharing! Love the broad background in media, in particular recording engineering. Anything any of us would have heard here in the states?
Hi Socfan

Recording for TV shows not music. Consulted on one of our films too. The plan was for me to hit the record label but that fell through. Maybe someday :)
Thanks, guys...

As Jack put it, it is indeed great to expose people to new music (through the record store side of the business), and also to quality music reproduction. Just in this brief period that we've been opened, there's been a few eyes opened by the possibilities of a better turntable, an actual phono stage, dedicated DACs, etc. If I could get a handful of folks off the Crosley boat, I'm happy :)

The Newport Beach show is coming up, and we'll have 3 rooms there, but it's also a good oportunity to come down and visit the store! We're about 1:15 away from the Hotel Irvine.

Thanks, Allen.

PREX is one of my faves! One of the best in the country, I'd say. I always find great bargains there, and a rarity or two!
Well, send that list in!


Ummm....Princeton is really a shell of its old self though ones reaction will depend on musical genre to a certain extent. :(Classical. Forget it. Gone for all intents and purposes. Jazz selection is ok, rock is a little better. Occasionally one finds something in the new arrivals bins. Truth is Princeton is known to put stuff aside for certain customers though unlike other stores, doesn't seem heavily wedded to selling on ePay. Also the condition of the LPs ain't what it used to be.

Too bad because have a lot of fond memories of Princeton dating back to when the store was located on Tulane St. At that time, Princeton had boxes of Mercury classical discs by the checkout counter for reasonable prices that they couldn't give away. Then came TAS and the prices went through the roof.

Been to a few record stores across the country (and world) and the best current store that I've come across is Twist and Shout Records in Denver. If you go to RMAF, the store is about a $25 cab ride from the hotel. The best US store of all time (and sadly long gone) for used records was G&A records in NYC; for new records, the award goes to Discophile Records located in Greenwich Village in NYC. (Aclose second was Tower Records when they actually had vinyl). Both were fantastic stores to go shopping in and as my ex used to say, pack a toothbrush!

Now back to regularly scheduled programming! ;)
Myles, I've never been to Prex in its heyday, but what I see there today suits me just fine (vinyl newbie). The classical section is de minimis, but I've been able to pick up some NM- Shaded Dogs, London Bluebacks, Lyrita, RR, Wilson Audiophile titles, etc. Their Jazz section is growing, as well as their Techno/Electronica section. Out of the local places I've been to, it's the best of the bunch thus far!

Thanks for the recommendations on the other retailers. Will check them out when I can.
Myles, I've never been to Prex in its heyday, but what I see there today suits me just fine (vinyl newbie). The classical section is de minimis, but I've been able to pick up some NM- Shaded Dogs, London Bluebacks, Lyrita, RR, Wilson Audiophile titles, etc. Their Jazz section is growing, as well as their Techno/Electronica section. Out of the local places I've been to, it's the best of the bunch thus far!

Thanks for the recommendations on the other retailers. Will check them out when I can.

Jazz is ok but they're basically late pressings. :(
Congratulations Alex on such an establishment! Best wishes for a successful business venture. If I'm ever out towards San Diego I will surely stop in for a visit.

and the best current store that I've come across is Twist and Shout Records in Denver. If you go to RMAF, the store is about a $25 cab ride from the hotel.

Twist and Shout is a great store. Been a customer since the late 80's when they were in the old building across from ListenUP on Exposition Street. Paul Epstein (owner) has deep roots in his vinyl love and just keeps growing and honing his business which is great for his (us) customers.

tip: If taking a cab from RMAF or elsewhere in town, take your cell phone and the cab company phone number and call them for a return fare/trip several hours later. :D
Congratulations Alex on such an establishment! Best wishes for a successful business venture. If I'm ever out towards San Diego I will surely stop in for a visit.

Twist and Shout is a great store. Been a customer since the late 80's when they were in the old building across from ListenUP on Exposition Street. Paul Epstein (owner) has deep roots in his vinyl love and just keeps growing and honing his business which is great for his (us) customers.

tip: If taking a cab from RMAF or elsewhere in town, take your cell phone and the cab company phone number and call them for a return fare/trip several hours later. :D

Absolutely! I'll even ask cabby if they can come back in an allotted time and take me back to the hotel!
Agree with Myles about Twist and Shout. We actually met there one time during RMAF, remember? :D HUGE store, almost Amoeba-size, great selection too.
As for PREX, is it not on S Tulane St. anymore? I haven't been there in about a year...

Hi Everyone,
This forum somehow managed to exist without me knowing about it. I stumbled upon it last night and am so glad I did. I love the friendly vibe here. I work for a audio dealer in NY and it's great to see so many industry people and hobbyist's commingling in such perfect fashion. Thank you to the owners of this forum for encouraging dealers and industry people to openly participate in the conversation. I am very lucky to spend my day's working with audio enthusiasts and all the great equipment we represent. My evenings are spent.....well....playing with audio equipment :). I have a pretty modest system at home that I get great enjoyment from. This year I plan to do a lot of upgrading, starting with the monumental task of cleaning my basement and building a dedicated listening room. I am looking forward to joining the conversations and getting to know everyone here at Audioshark.
I will put my affiliations in My signature ASAP.