Lumin X1

Too much.

Just to expand on this since I work in the computer networking industry. The trend with technology is to get better performance, and at a lower price, every year. I would expect the S1 replacement to perform better, and be at the same, or lower price. It would not make any sense to sell both the X1 and the S1 at the same time, so arguing that the X1 is a new TOTL product is a non-starter.

$10K would be a reasonable list price. IMO, of course. :)
Bud, I think it may be possible that the X1 will be presented as a higher level than the X1... I had assumed this... not sure. My main point is that some type of trade in for the S1 would be a fantastic way to continue to build loyalty amongst those who have been so loyal to Lumin and bought in to a product that is certainly on the high end in price when compared to many others out there. Yes, there are more expensive/exotic products... Yes, there are cheaper ones too. But, the S1 is a product people buy because 1) they have the budget 2) They are pretty deep in audiophile world, and have systems that can truly display the quality of the S1 sound.

It just seems to me that Lumin would make a good move to invite early adoption of the X1 to it's most experienced and loyal users. These same users would be perfect to chime in on the X1, and help create online discussions that others will see and maybe be inclined to buy an X1 based on what I assume will be glowing comments from core members of the various forums (many in the know have the Lumin S1). At a price of around 14k for the X1 my mind starts thinking I should possibly look at other dacs streamer combos even if the two units are separate. That would help reduce the issues with technology changes to streamers that seem to be almost non stop these days. In that case you could get a great dac you love and change out streamers over time...

Maybe the trade in could be similar, but of lower value, for those who have other Lumin products. It's just an idea, as creating true brand loyalty in audiophile world is not that easy... There is always another shiny new toy out there. The only other option for those who want to upgrade is to sell their current unit on the forums... I guess that is fine, but the market might flood for a little bit, and lower the perceived value of Lumin.

Of course, it is Lumin's choice on how to run the company, and it's not like I would think they are bad folks for not offering something like this to loyal users... I'm just suggesting a way to deepen loyalty to the brand, and hold value in their products... that seems like a powerful move no matter what your business is... We shall see, but either way I do hope to get a chance to hear the X1. I wonder how much better than the S1 it really can be.
I don't have an ETA for anywhere but we'd like to ship it ASAP, once every detail is ironed out.
My main point is that some type of trade in for the S1 would be a fantastic way to continue to build loyalty amongst those who have been so loyal to Lumin and bought in to a product that is certainly on the high end in price when compared to many others out there

Personally I agree with that but as you know, it's not up to me to make business decisions, and I don't know, perhaps this may also affect our dealers as well. Personally I also like to see more users enjoy Lumin products, and have tried to use my very little influence (if any) towards this cause.

Lumin has been very good to make updates to their products , so that my T1 also had an update to MQA , as an example and best of all its free and online . The Lumin app will just make you aware that there is a new update available and then you can download that. And ready to go.
That is one thing i really like with Lumin , as well as the reproduction of music , which i find is really good. And should there come a better DAC than the one in the Lumin you can just add that.
But i think that to get a better DAC than the one in T1 you would need a pretty expensive one. ( i haven't tried that many ) but i think that others maybe Mike can chime in on these.

Have you had a chat with your Lumin dealer?

One of the reasons why I bought my T1 was because my dealer promised me a more than reasonable trade-up value for when I had enough dosh to upgrade. One of the many great things about Lumin is that their gear seems to hold value quite well (due in no small part to the ongoing, free software upgrades, but also the build quality). I almost bought a 2nd hand T1 from my dealer but somebody out-bid me and there was very little difference between that price and the price for a new one. Having said that, I agree it would be great if Lumin itself had a trade-up policy. Maybe I am just fortunate to have a great dealer and be in a deep market for Lumin, so I am not so worried about it.
Just to expand on this since I work in the computer networking industry. The trend with technology is to get better performance, and at a lower price, every year. I would expect the S1 replacement to perform better, and be at the same, or lower price. It would not make any sense to sell both the X1 and the S1 at the same time, so arguing that the X1 is a new TOTL product is a non-starter.

$10K would be a reasonable list price. IMO, of course. :)

I also have an IT background. With the exceptions of the new iPhone X I can't think of one consumer product where the new model costs more than the old one. You always get better performance for equal or less cost than the previous generation. Not in high end audio.. Economies of scale? Perhaps..
Bud, I think it may be possible that the X1 will be presented as a higher level than the X1... I had assumed this... not sure. My main point is that some type of trade in for the S1 would be a fantastic way to continue to build loyalty amongst those who have been so loyal to Lumin and bought in to a product that is certainly on the high end in price when compared to many others out there.

I plan on being very active with upgrading people to the new X1’s. Trades always accepted. [emoji41]
Unfortunately, I can’t do a trade-in. I want to put my S1 in my HT stereo, and the X1 in the main stereo. But I can’t get my head around $14K for it. Plus, the new Shunyata Typhon QR is $9K, and the Magico A3 is $10K, and who knows what a future Magico center channel will cost. If I do get this stuff then I will definitely have to draw a line and say that is it. No more. LOL.
ver interested in this new LUMIN. I wonder what is it's sound signature: analog like? uber detailed ? wafrm ? dark ? ....
ver interested in this new LUMIN. I wonder what is it's sound signature: analog like? uber detailed ? wafrm ? dark ? ....

I think the X1 sounds like an S1, but much better. It also sounds smoother than another ES9038Pro DAC from a major brand (no, I'll not say which).
I understand that it is now possible to connect a USB HD or USB SSD to the back of the LUMIN for music storage. Is the sound quality as good as when the music is streamed from a NAS ?
I understand that it is now possible to connect a USB HD or USB SSD to the back of the LUMIN for music storage. Is the sound quality as good as when the music is streamed from a NAS ?

The real question is does the X1 support direct attached USB as does the S1. Some have posted that NAS sounds better. I don’t know, but love my direct attached USB drive. It eliminates one expensive piece of gear, and avoids the entire Ethernet cable issue.
I understand that it is now possible to connect a USB HD or USB SSD to the back of the LUMIN for music storage. Is the sound quality as good as when the music is streamed from a NAS ?

I remember there were posts from users reporting streaming for NAS sounding better than direct attached USB HDD. More importantly, we do not recommend playback via direct USB connection (even though that is supported on all our players including X1) - browsing flexibility will be severely limited, and browsing speed will be much slower.

The library can be placed on NAS, or any computer running the freeware MinimServer. We also have Lumin L1 product.
I remember there were posts from users reporting streaming for NAS sounding better than direct attached USB HDD. More importantly, we do not recommend playback via direct USB connection (even though that is supported on all our players including X1) - browsing flexibility will be severely limited, and browsing speed will be much slower.

The library can be placed on NAS, or any computer running the freeware MinimServer. We also have Lumin L1 product.

Great news. No USB attachment is most definitely a deal breaker. I could care less about browsing. I load a playlist, and sit back to listen. :)

Thanks. Good news on a terrible Friday.
Agree with Bud... I can't understand why a NAS would be desirable in any audio system, except for managing massive amounts of files.