Lumin, Leedh’ing the way

For me, the closer you can get to the ideal "wire with gain" is where it's at for me and that means reducing the number of components in the signal path.
For me, the closer you can get to the ideal "wire with gain" is where it's at for me and that means reducing the number of components in the signal path.

Ok. Maybe I’m over thinking this…what internet connect style are you using between X1 and your amp? Thx

Edit: interconnect (stupid auto correct)
Ok. Maybe I’m over thinking this…what internet connect style are you using between X1 and your amp? Thx

No internet between the X1 and the main power amps. I use balanced (XLR) interconnects to get the audio from the X1 to the PAs.. The Lumin X1 connects to my network via a fiber optic cable. My music is on a NAS and I don't stream directly to the X1. Hopes this helps.
Yes this does help greatly. I want to bypass my amps pre-amp, I think I can do this on the dedicated input but they are RCA in.

No internet between the X1 and the main power amps. I use balanced (XLR) interconnects to get the audio from the X1 to the PAs.. The Lumin X1 connects to my network via a fiber optic cable. My music is on a NAS and I don't stream directly to the X1. Hopes this helps.
Thanks for this feedback. I tell yah, the Lumin Amp sounds like the perfect match too. I will have to try bypassing my diablo preamp. How are you outputting from your X1? Are you using a XLR to RCA or RCA to RCA?
I forgot that part :) , but i am using XLR .
Decided on the let app do Volume Control. Set my integrated to a Unity-ish volume while still using the XLR and man now this is what I’m talking about! Leedh Volume is sweet. Now that both preamps/volume pots(methods) are playing nicer with one another, I get to really hear the sweet analog output stage fo the X1. I may want to do a bypass at some point and use the dedicate input through RCA but thats not an immediate to do at this point. Enjoying where my hard earned cash went for now. Need to buy the Lumin folk a beer!
A Lumin user in a facebook group said after using the Lumin Leedh Processing Volume, he is considering to sell his $4k preamp. His comments are "very defined", "superior to preamp", and "more detailed".
That's like preaching to the choir! I could have told you that :celebrate008_2:
Oh yeah baby. I sold off my Ayre preamp and was totally impressed going direct from the X1 to my mono blocks.
Way better sound quality.

Oh yeah baby. I sold off my Ayre preamp and was totally impressed going direct from the X1 to my mono blocks.
Way better sound quality.


Because I still need the front L&R mono amps for multichannel use, I put a high quality manually operated balanced switch that takes either the X1's or the AV processor's outputs and send it to the mono amps as needed. The only downside to this arrangement is that I can no longer use the LFE decoding capabilities going to the subwoofer that the AV processor afforded me when using that method of connecting the X1 to the mono amp. That being said, the increase is SQ going direct is more important and satisfying to me than was the bass added by the sub.
Probably a dumb question but if going direct from X1 into power amps we must use the X1’s DAC and can’t use the X1 as just a streamer going an external DAC, correct?
Probably a dumb question but if going direct from X1 into power amps we must use the X1’s DAC and can’t use the X1 as just a streamer going an external DAC, correct?

Not sure I fully understand but, yes, when going from the X1's analog outputs be they XLR or RCA to the power amps directly, you are using the X1's internal DAC. You can still have the X1 connected to an external DAC using the X1's digital outputs and go from the external DAC to the input of your amps.

Are you saying that you prefer another DAC to the one in the X1 or would like to try other solutions?
Not sure I fully understand but, yes, when going from the X1's analog outputs be they XLR or RCA to the power amps directly, you are using the X1's internal DAC. You can still have the X1 connected to an external DAC using the X1's digital outputs and go from the external DAC to the input of your amps.

Are you saying that you prefer another DAC to the one in the X1 or would like to try other solutions?

Yes, I’m wondering if I can use digital out from the X1 to another DAC and then use analog outputs from the external DAC into the power amp. Will Lumin volume control and Leedh work using these connections?
Yes, I’m wondering if I can use digital out from the X1 to another DAC and then use analog outputs from the external DAC into the power amp. Will Lumin volume control and Leedh work using these connections?

Yes it works, but:

1. For digital output volume control, DSD128 and DSD64 will be converted to PCM. DSD256 and DSD512 cannot be played because they cannot be converted to PCM.

2. Lumin X1 / T2 / S1 analog outputs use the best form of Leedh Processing Volume. It even works for DSD 512 (X1 T2).
Yes it works, but:

1. For digital output volume control, DSD128 and DSD64 will be converted to PCM. DSD256 and DSD512 cannot be played because they cannot be converted to PCM.

2. Lumin X1 / T2 / S1 analog outputs use the best form of Leedh Processing Volume. It even works for DSD 512 (X1 T2).

Peter, curious why the above units perform better with Leedh. Does it work better with the X1/T2/S1 DACS? Maybe a more analog sound?
Peter, curious why the above units perform better with Leedh. Does it work better with the X1/T2/S1 DACS? Maybe a more analog sound?

We have a proprietary implementation that takes special advantage of the hardware analog output.

Not an issue of computation power.
From a Lumin T2 user: When do you decide that you have put together a System that you are happy with and you can stop shopping? - Page 2 - General Hi-Fi Discussion - StereoNET International

I chose Lumin T2 using its digital Preamp (LEEDH PROCESSING sets it apart from other choices) straight into my PMC Result6's.

The sound quality is exceptional, with a 3D image to die for. Artists are pinpoint in a vast soundstage, most importantly, its musical, involving and non fatiguing, some even say its vinyl like.
I would like to acquire the Lumin U1 or X1 & use the Leedh processing volume control (no pre-amp). Is it possible to use a hand held remote for volume in such a set-up? The remote would be for an external Dac or the Dac within the X1 (if available). If not, how does the volume level control within the Lumin app compare to a hand held device? Thanks.