Lampizator Golden Atlantic DAC


Oct 16, 2015
Hyderabad India
LampizatOr just posted pictures on Facebook ... Looks like a winner!



And the price difference is..?
Thanks for posting this, BTW.
Thicker front panel is a new feature. Not sure the rollerblocks are an improvement.
Thicker front panel is a new feature. Not sure the rollerblocks are an improvement.

I use a similar device on my Tube rectified Atlantic and they do make a difference, I place 2 at the rear and one at the front, overall it gives an improvement to the image, kind of adds a greater focus to the soundstage
Does anyone know how big of a difference is between the balanced and single ended version ? If rest of the system (preamp + power amp) is balanced and you don't drive long interconnects, does it make sense of get the balance version for sonic benefits ?
Devg, I think its about $2K or so different.

If you do run fully Bal, its always better to go balanced.

If SE, there is a possibility to request and see if its possible to get a Bal Dac, but when running in SE mode to run ALL 4 tubes, not just 2. That should give you a lower noise floor in SE....that is the working theory of mine anyway.
Devg, I think its about $2K or so different.

If you do run fully Bal, its always better to go balanced.

If SE, there is a possibility to request anbd see if its possible to get a Bal Dac, but when running in SE mode to run ALL 4 tubes, not just 2. That should give you a lower noise floor in SE....that is the working theory of mine anyway.

Interesting. Thanks Norman for the info. Usually the output volts rms for single ended is half of the balanced. With Lampi using all 4 tubes in SE mode, does it output the same as balanced ?
Interesting. Thanks Norman for the info. Usually the output volts rms for single ended is half of the balanced. With Lampi using all 4 tubes in SE mode, does it output the same as balanced ?

No info on such détails, but i heard it was technically possible.