Hi from Manchester UK


New member
Jun 14, 2014
Hi guys.....lover of all things valves & vinyl.....and free speech & fair moderation. Dislikes include paying for someone else's car collection;) Oh, and selective editing of a certain speaker manufacturers posts......I could go on, but I suspect you get the idea ;)

So hi to new folks, and hi again to some familiar names :)

Matt....glad you made it over :hi: Nice to see you hear and we can continue our WC and EPL banter here :D

BY the way, we are playing you guys in the first game of the upcoming season (so you can update those tee shirts from the treble to quadruple win :D)
Matt....glad you made it over :hi: Nice to see you hear and we can continue our WC and EPL banter here :D

BY the way, we are playing you guys in the first game of the upcoming season (so you can update those tee shirts from the treble to quadruple win :D)

Yep, I noticed our first game next season too :) But as Fat sam has survived the chop, I suspect you'll be back to winning ways!

And thanks for the welcomes :)