
Welcome Bob, I'm so glad you're here !! I'm the 56 year old resident hippie !! Just glad to be here and be free !!!!
Welcome Bob, I'm so glad you're here !! I'm the 56 year old resident hippie !! Just glad to be here and be free !!!!


1. Your avatar, is it familiar to me?

2. AA, I cannot recall, I feel real bad about that.

3. No, I AM the real 58-years old hippie (alright, we are both) here at AS. ...My hair is down to my axe.

4. All my life I didn't know what I truly wanted till I finally found it: Total Freedom, Independence, Autonomy, Happiness, Peace, and Love Of Everything, ...good and lesser good. ...And Music was one part of the path. ...Nature another, and everything that I did in my life automatically culminated to that. And I do mean everything; everything that I gained, and everything that I lost. ...Spiritually, physically, economically, sociably, and emotively.

5. So, from one true hippie to another, I'm ecstatically glad to be here! :)
Hey Mark! Fellow Texan here; I am looking forward to getting to know you.

I have been looking at this forum for couple of days now.

Very impressive.

Just registered.

Looking forward to it