Do you use an integrated in your main system?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
And if so, what are you using?

Or, could you be content with “just” an integrated?

Absolutely. For me, a Diablo 300, T+A PA3100HV, Luxman 509 or Pass INT-250 would fit the bill. Maybe the Luxman 590 too, but I don't know until I get it.

Integrated amps have come a LONG way.
main system uses an almarro a318b -- i don't adhere to any orthodoxy in terms of integrated or preAmp/amp; however, there is nothing that would make me give up the almarro. it can and will outperform anything i could put into the system. i just love this amp and it is a beloved family member.

unfortunately, i think this company has ceased operation... fortunately, the amp is hand wired and if needed can be serviced for the foreseeable future.

so, yes i could be content with "just" an integrated...

...and, if i had to start over i would at least begin with looking at an integrated -- just a more elegant system and modern examples can be crazy good.
If I could afford the T+A or Gryphon, yes I would be content. Alas, I have to feed the kids every day and have to wait. Lol
I use an Integrated in my tertiary system, but it's nothing earth shattering. I was shopping around earlier for Integrateds to replace my main system but as of now have not come up with anything in my price range that blows away what I have.

System with Integrated is-

Rotel RX-1052
OPPO93 with Groneberg ICs
JM Labs Tantal 509s

I get really good sound as the speakers sit inside larger openings of built in cabinets on the sides of my fireplace.

When I finally move and downsize, I will be looking again for an Integrated for the main system.
Absolutely. For me, a Diablo 300, T+A PA3100HV, Luxman 509 or Pass INT-250 would fit the bill. Maybe the Luxman 590 too, but I don't know until I get it.

Integrated amps have come a LONG way.

So far out of my price range , I might as well buy a new vette instead :D of course Joe never mentioned price :S But I tell ya the Pass Int-60 is an awesome integrated
I guess I’d say under 10K but am a little flexible. I’d like to downsize from a full blown system but need to demo the Luxman M900u before committing to anything. I have a feeling the 900 combo will be killer but love the simplicity of an integrated.

I miss my Naim Supernait 2 with Hicap, especially with the Harbeth 30.1. That was an oh so musical system. Now that the 30.2 anniversary are out, I might have to revisit them.

I’m using my Job INTegrated now and loving the freedom it’s giving me. I’m focused on the music more and not the gear. I know it sounds crazy but a lot of my listening is low to medium level and this little thing sounds awesome. The DAC inside sounds great too. Too bad the monos are no longer in production but I’m hoping that’s temporary.

I love the Pass gear but heat is a concern for me.

So far out of my price range , I might as well buy a new vette instead :D of course Joe never mentioned price :S But I tell ya the Pass Int-60 is an awesome integrated
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Integrateds make a lot of sense to me - they save money and space but still can be such a treat to listen to. Units like the SN2 show that. Separates and monos one day, yes. But one shouldn’t feel “cheated” with an integrated.

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I guess I’d say under 10K but am a little flexible. I’d like to downsize from a full blown system but need to demo the Luxman M900u before committing to anything. I have a feeling the 900 combo will be killer but love the simplicity of an integrated.

I miss my Naim Supernait 2 with Hicap, especially with the Harbeth 30.1. That was an oh so musical system. Now that the 30.2 anniversary are out, I might have to revisit them.

I’m using my Job INTegrated now and loving the freedom it’s giving me. I’m focused on the music more and not the gear. I know it sounds crazy but a lot of my listening is low to medium level and this little thing sounds awesome. The DAC inside sounds great too. Too bad the monos are no longer in production but I’m hoping that’s temporary.

I love the Pass gear but heat is a concern for me.

The heat, of yes I moved my xa30 out of my office felt like I was in a sauna, and put my old Vincent back in its place , I've never heard a Supernait2 but the reviews are always complementary
I am currently switching between three integrateds here at the moment. Two I own, one I have on trial but will probably end up buying. I agree with Sean there is no need to feel short changed with an integrated these days, there are some stellar examples out there and not all require a mortgage to own.
Diablo 300 all the way. If too expensive perhaps try the Diablo 120 (I tried it: awesome) or the Pass INT-60.
Yes to OP.

The ASR Emitter II is easily the best amplifier - tube vs. ss - preamp & amp vs. integrated - that I have ever heard. It is an integrated, but so much more.

Sadly, the US marketing is non existent, as well as easily available warranty service. Fortunately, I have never needed it.

If I had not discovered it at a very attractive price (when compared to new retail), I would never have purchased it even though it's the best I've heard.
I’m using my Job INTegrated now and loving the freedom it’s giving me. I’m focused on the music more and not the gear. I know it sounds crazy but a lot of my listening is low to medium level and this little thing sounds awesome. The DAC inside sounds great too. Too bad the monos are no longer in production but I’m hoping that’s temporary.


Another happy Job INT owner here.
I am currently switching between three integrateds here at the moment. Two I own, one I have on trial but will probably end up buying. I agree with Sean there is no need to feel short changed with an integrated these days, there are some stellar examples out there and not all require a mortgage to own.

extremely interested in your thoughts and which ones you have tried . my dealer wants me to try a thrax enyo valve which apparently is a stunning amp but a] its expensive b] its not that well known yet and in my experince that makes it very hard to resell when you upgrade

modwright kwi200 seems a very good value amp and has home theatre bypass which is good if we are talking integrated systems . pass int 60 is about double the price but extremely popular it seems
I have nothing against integrated approach. A well designed integrated can be just as satisfying as separates. Using a PrimaLuna Dialog HP integrated which sings beautifully with the Harbeth 30.2. My next addition will also be an integrated. I've owned more separates than integrated in my life but I seem to be more drawn to a good quality integrated for the elegance of simplicity and less clutter.
Yes to OP.

The ASR Emitter II is easily the best amplifier - tube vs. ss - preamp & amp vs. integrated - that I have ever heard. It is an integrated, but so much more.

Sadly, the US marketing is non existent, as well as easily available warranty service. Fortunately, I have never needed it.

If I had not discovered it at a very attractive price (when compared to new retail), I would never have purchased it even though it's the best I've heard.

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