Really Bummed Out


New member
Sep 11, 2014
I was out yesterday for my regular weekend hike, when I tripped and fell and broke my right shoulder. I was by myself so I had to walk 2 miles to my car and drive 20 miles to the hospital, then a two hour drive home last night. Wow, talk about painful and exhausting. First major injury in 25 years of hiking and climbing.

OMG Ken. So sorry to hear. That's brutal and could have been worse. Imagine if you had knocked yourself unconscious. Thanks goodness you're ok (relatively speaking).
Sorry to hear that Ken. Hope that you have a speedy and complete recovery.
Ken, very sorry to hear this. I assume they were able to "set" your shoulder right for healing? I can't imagine the pain you must have been in after this happened.

I hope you heal up fast!
I'm so sorry Ken. That's terrible. I just can't imagine. No more picking up stereo gear for a while. Thank goodness most everything is in place.
Sorry to hear this. Thankfully you were able to make it out ok. It could've been a lot worse. Here's to a speedy recovery. No amp upgrades for the near future for you :).
I foresee lots of listening time in the near future. Sorry to hear of this & all the best on the recovery Ken.
Ken.......I'm sure it took a lot of fortitude to make that hike back to your vehicle and then drive to the hospital. You're a tough one. May your recover go well.

Some people will do anything to get to lay around and listen to music all day. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about your accident Ken. I hope you heal quickly.
So sorry Ken. I've felt your pain three years ago with a little fall off the bike. I was more lucky as I happened to have a neighbor with me, usually solo. Hang in there bud, at least you'll have time to recouped before the warm weather hits.

Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery


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