Jay's Audio Journey

I will be releasing my personal tidal playlist this week. Within this playlist, you will find about 73 songs which will provide you with over 5 hours and 40 min worth of music.

This playlist will keep getting updated by me so all you need to do is add it to your favorites. I really hope that dealers and manufacturers also save this playlist so that they can use it next time they are displaying their product at a show.

These songs are handpicked by me and have at least one (if not more ) of the following traits:

Big soundstage with depth and height
Deep bass
Intense imaging
Big bold vocals
High resolution

Use this playlist to evaluate your own system too!
Alright guys,

I am going to give away my Audioquest NRG outlet. the MSRP on this unit is $179 dollars. What needs to happen?

We need to hit 8k subscribers (so i encourage you all to spread this on the multiple sites you frequent and encourage for others to subscribe). As soon as we hit 8k subscribers, you will email me at jayaudiolab@gmail. The 12th email i receive will be the winner.


Happy Holidays!

The designer of the CS footers gave some feedback on his award for 2021's worst product :D

Center Stage 2 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High End Audio Forum on the planet!

The accusation from Joe was that Jay just plopped the center stage feet and immediately gave a review of them before they had adequate time to settle. In the thread you cited on the World Boxing Federation, Wil said that Jay had the footers in for months. Jay should chime in here because Joe doesn't believe that is the truth.
The footers simply did not work for me and my system. I don't have to agree or disagree with others. I'm simply presenting my own findings. I was very clear on the video itself that this might be different in a different system. I didn't say what I say is what goes. I personally think they didn't work for me with my boulder 2150s. My $600k rig simply didn't like it. If others love it then that's awesome 👍. My rig, my ears, my room, etc told me it wasn't a positive outcome so I ended up removing them.
Also, this was for the 1.5 footers. I don't have any feedback on anything else. Maybe the 2.0 footers work better?
I'm open to evaluating them with my Mephisto solos or MSB DAC or even my Soulution 725 if they are open to it.
I have personally found the CMS feet work best under digital devices like DAC’s, Streamers and under phonostages and preamps and the like. I also like them under tube equipment (including amps). I would love to try some more in my home system. I have them under the NAIM phonostages now and wow! Love it.

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I have personally found the CMS feet work best under digital devices like DAC’s, Streamers and under phonostages and preamps and the like. I also like them under tube equipment (including amps). I would love to try some more in my home system. I have them under the NAIM phonostages now and wow! Love it.

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I’ve had a similar experience to Mike’s.

I installed four new 1.5-inch tall Critical Mass Systems CenterStage2 footers (they also come in 0.8” and 1.0” heights) between my Taiko Extreme server and two Taiko Daiza platforms.

Unlike the documented extended break-in period experienced by others, I started hearing significant positive improvements in the reduction of the noise floor and enhanced musical engagement after a few hours the first day. And those improvements, although now more incremental, continue to amaze me even now, several months later.

I find myself routinely listening to complete album files now, fully engaged in all varieties of musical genres. The musical engagement is that good.

I haven’t tried the footers on any other equipment, but plan to order more of them to try under different pieces. We shall see.

Of course, just another data point and YMMV.

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Footers have to "settle in"?? Seems like a new high/low in audio voodoo.

I guess it´s not the footers. It´s the gear. When you move it to change the footers you need a time to have everything back in order...
I've never denied that the footers add to the presentation. There is definitely a difference, but to my ears it was information that just didn't belong there. The naturalness, the organic and natural warmth of the music is removed and hyper detail is injected.
Boulder 2150s went from being an x-ray machine with the natural colors seen on an x-ray to now being an MRI machine that digs deeper into your body allowing you to see more tissue, bones tendons, etc. The issue is i only came to get an x-ray of my arm because I think it's broken...x-ray machine is sufficient to tell you exactly that.
The best electronics out there don't need seasoning. Sometimes less is MORE but unfortunately we are guilty of thinking that when the sound changes to something different then it must be better and guess what my friends? This is the reason why we keep chasing our tail... The reason why more product is being released so we can all keep chasing the next great thing when in reality you probably already have it RIGHT NOW in your room .
This is just my opinion folks.
I’m not familiar with your channel Jay but after sifting through this thread I’ll be checking you out today for sure.

Anyone willing to swim upstream of all the marketing hype and latest-greatest-mine's-the-best-ever and exert their right to call it as they see it, hell or high water, I’m down to sub.

Others have already said, there’s more to a great system than just how expensive or unusual it is, how technologically different it is, how big or heavy it is, the legendary name on the faceplate or the unobtanium it’s made from. There’s just the best system for you. Many things go into that, some more important to one person than the next.

So what’s important to me in reviews is someone willing to say the positive and the negative and keep it all in context (your ears, your room, your biases). Not hyperbole and the emperor’s new clothes. Cause everyone’s got something to sell, and we don’t need more of that.
The best electronics out there don't need seasoning.

Probably true. And I say probably only because I don't have "direct" contact with high end material.
But that's because at this level, the brands are concerned with the feet and support bases, exactly because they know the impact they can have in the sound.


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I've never denied that the footers add to the presentation. There is definitely a difference, but to my ears it was information that just didn't belong there. The naturalness, the organic and natural warmth of the music is removed and hyper detail is injected.
Boulder 2150s went from being an x-ray machine with the natural colors seen on an x-ray to now being an MRI machine that digs deeper into your body allowing you to see more tissue, bones tendons, etc. The issue is i only came to get an x-ray of my arm because I think it's broken...x-ray machine is sufficient to tell you exactly that.
The best electronics out there don't need seasoning. Sometimes less is MORE but unfortunately we are guilty of thinking that when the sound changes to something different then it must be better and guess what my friends? This is the reason why we keep chasing our tail... The reason why more product is being released so we can all keep chasing the next great thing when in reality you probably already have it RIGHT NOW in your room .
This is just my opinion folks.

Totally agree.....