Jay's Audio Journey

funny that you mention that because somehow i ended up playing classical the other night and was like omg... "ok classical music, you got my attention now"...

Yes, Classical sounds fantastic on all WA speakers. I just got Alexx and love it. Congrats on the XLF, Jay! Sounds like a real winner for your lab experiments! :popcorn:
Congrats Jay. Enjoy them in good health.

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This really goes to show just how subjective this hobby is. I have only heard the XLF at shows, but never stayed long in the room. Every time I enter I say to myself, "maybe this will be the time!" and the result is always the same. I have not had the same experience with some of the smaller Wilsons. Much easier on my ears. Maybe it was just show conditions and I certainly don't doubt that Jay is loving what he is hearing. This is why there are so many choices in the marketplace. I own KEF Blades, which many are not a fan of acoustically and/or visually, but I really enjoy them. Different strokes.
This really goes to show just how subjective this hobby is. I have only heard the XLF at shows, but never stayed long in the room. Every time I enter I say to myself, "maybe this will be the time!" and the result is always the same. I have not had the same experience with some of the smaller Wilsons. Much easier on my ears. Maybe it was just show conditions and I certainly don't doubt that Jay is loving what he is hearing. This is why there are so many choices in the marketplace. I own KEF Blades, which many are not a fan of acoustically and/or visually, but I really enjoy them. Different strokes.

Definitely subjective. One thing I learned by going to shows and then eventually buying some of the same gear and hearing it again at shows is that it usually sounds better in your room. I think Jay mentions that same thing in his video.

Are you sure you didn't hear the older Alexandria with the titanium tweeter? That was indeed a very different sound, and many find it bright.

Here is a fun video from RMAF 2013 where I thought they sounded fantastic. The Alexandria XLF at RMAF - YouTube

Anyway, I have heard your KEF blades at shows and really liked them, so I imagine they are even better in your room! Congrats.
Definitely subjective. One thing I learned by going to shows and then eventually buying some of the same gear and hearing it again at shows is that it usually sounds better in your room. I think Jay mentions that same thing in his video.

Are you sure you didn't hear the older Alexandria with the titanium tweeter? That was indeed a very different sound, and many find it bright.

Here is a fun video from RMAF 2013 where I thought they sounded fantastic. The Alexandria XLF at RMAF - YouTube

Anyway, I have heard your KEF blades at shows and really liked them, so I imagine they are even better in your room! Congrats.

Upon further reflection, I think some of my experiences were with the Alexx. Results were the same for me.
Congrats Jay on the Wilson XLF! They are really fine speakers with a big sound. I also much prefer them over the Alexx.

WOW Jay, those speakers should bring you much musical enjoyment. Would be nice to hear, after you've had the Wilsons in-place for a time, how you summarize the pros and cons vs. the M6. Final distination speaker, or is this just a pit-stop?
Jay the XLF's should be an excellent centerpiece to build upon for many video's.
I love the color of those beasts!
Thanks everyone.
They are here to see how I like them and because i had a great opportunity to jump on them .
As far as the color, it was a scary thought when i saw pictures but once i got them in here and put them under bright lights, I'm loving it.
Mike and many others said they also loved color. Maybe it's the combination of the room color with the orange?
The efficiency is amazing by the way. That said, i believe they could use more power in order to open up more. They don't need power to play loud but they could use the overhead to make it more effortless and bigger sounding.
Every loudspeaker known to man loves power , nothing like getting out of the amp clipping , PSU sagging range , the ease and dynamics hidden in many recordings will shine ...

WOW Jay, those speakers should bring you much musical enjoyment. Would be nice to hear, after you've had the Wilsons in-place for a time, how you summarize the pros and cons vs. the M6. Final distination speaker, or is this just a pit-stop?

Final Destination?! Good one! :roflmao:
Congrats Jay! The XLFs are tremendous speakers. Super easy to drive. Should be an outstanding reference for component evaluations.
I’m enjoying the ride, enjoy your new speakers and looking forward to more component reviews.

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Congrats on the XLFs Jay!

Now all you need the orange Lamborghini to match it :-)

Enjoy in good health.
i never thought i would like anything orange, but when you see the speaker in person and under the lights, your entire perspective changes. These suckers have grown on me but i can't properly set them up until vicoustics comes to pick up all these damn panels they sent me in the wrong color...
By the way, many are asking me on the youtube comment section if the xlf is better than the m6 and i can not answer that because i have only owned the xlf for a week. I need to live with it before i can begin to compare to the m6.
Part of the reason why i brought the xlf was to find out if it is better or worse than the Alexx i had in here. I believe stereophile said the Alexx was better than the XLF, but i 200% disagree with this. The Alexx is harder to drive, the bass was never quite right (in my room of course) and it did not do the crazy imaging the XLF does. Also, based on the in-room measurements from John Atkinsons, the XLF measured better in Michael's room than the Alexx. John also preferred the fullness of the XLF to the Alexx.

To be quite honest, and yes i know i have not heard every single speaker, i can not think of a speaker that can beat the XLF when you factor-in the money it can be had for now that it has been discontinued. Trust me i looked at ALL OPTIONS and NOTHING gave me the feeling that it could beat the XLF for the money. Will i ever bring the Alexx V ?
I plan to at some point, but i am quite scared to be honest because the scale of this speaker has me possessed.
Word on the street is that the XLF was retired because Focal was not going to sell Wilson more woofers so Wilson had to pull the plug on it. Wilson has enough replacement drivers, but Focal decided to not continue to support their needs with new XLFs.
Congrats on your speaker choice. XLFs certainly are very good speakers with ultra clarity, great dynamics and pinpoint imaging when set up properly. Enjoy!