Exciting news -- Suncoast Audio goes brick and mortar

Congrats Mike!
Best of luck with your expansion.

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Congrats Mike. Looking forward to seeing the store in the Spring when baseball season starts back up. Enjoy doing what you have a passion for.
Congrats from the West Coast! I think every Audio Shark will now need to visit your store in FL!

Great news Mike! Congrats on the expansion and best wishes on the new venture!!

If I ever get down your way I'll be sure to stop in for a visit. Would love to listen to whatever gear is in the stable at the time as I know the selection would be SUPER!
Hey Mike,

Congratulations on the store! The construction part is a nuisance, but once that's done, it'll feel great :) It's truly lovely having a place to go to every day, one that you actually enjoy spending time in!

Thanks. For the record, I never wanted to be a dealer until after my Dad died in 2013 and my Mom died in early 2015. That's when it hit me: I no longer want to do what I don't love any more. I want to do what I love.

It's definitely the fastest way to turn a large fortune into a small one! LOL.

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Congratulations. The universe finds a way to encourage and reward those who follow their passion.

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Congrats Mike, and best of luck!

How will you be able to handle the emptiness, that soon you cannot wander the halls of your home anymore and pop in for a listen to another six-figure-system in every room? Worse than that, there might be an irreversible trend on the way that the missus will start to spread furniture around the house instead of audio gear [emoji1].

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I read an article earlier this week that suggested that there is real scientific and medical proof that doing work you don’t enjoy will actually shorten your lifespan....

Yes, I paused when I read that too.

Here is the link http://liveyourlegend.net/wake-up-call-doing-work-you-love-could-save-your-life/

While i'm in no position to comment on the efficacy of such a hypothesis and its clear the article serves a commercial purpose, I do believe stress kills and that the vast majority of Americans are enslaved to cubical walled soul sucking jobs.

So, how great it is to read that you are doing what you love. When you’re motivated by a sense of mission and purpose, life is infinitely more satisfying.

Perhaps as a final act to mark completion of renovation works you place a photo of Mum and Dad on the wall?

Congratulations and wishing you great success Mike.
