Fyne 502SP’s arrive

Spatial Audio M3 Sapphires would likely be competitive
....and they won’t require a big room.

Not in my book. I owned Spatials. Fyne 502SP’s don’t require a large room either and aren’t fussy with placement.

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Great to hear, Jim. Are they more modern sounding than your old Canterburys?

Guess I never equated the sound of my Canterburys as modern or not. With me, it's always been about the musical involvement factor, for myself for a very long time (easily over 20 years), and for all of my RoomPlay clients…

Admittedly, I did send spend thousands of dollars on an outboard all-Duelund xover for each speaker, completely bypassing the stock xovers, as well as designing & building custom stands to get the tweeters at ear level.

Of the large number of RoomPlay Reference clients who heard them here, I'd say that over 80% said it was the best sound they ever heard (from a stereo system), and many had far more "exotic" systems than mine. The other 20% or so ranked it somewhere in their "top three" or so…

Do I think that the 703s exceed my modified Canterbury's musical involvement? Not yet, and probably not as a whole, but they are exceptional at their USD $11,9995/ pair price.

My issue with Tannoy today is whether or not they will be able to support the line, now that they are in China, and the Tannoy staff who helped to build their reputation is at Fyne? Even when Tannoy were in the UK back then, about three years ago, I had to replace a driver, and it took forever (several months)…

And finally, as good as the 703s are after 3 weeks, the F series must be killer…


I heard Jim’s Tannoy’s at his place. Definitely in my top three, irrespective of cost.

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A bit unexpectedly, the 703s drifted a bit backwards somewhere around the 400 hour point.

Now that they have passed 500 hours, I will listen to them again...
Hows the image & soundstage height? Especially when you stand up, do you look onto the soundstage from the above, like from the balcony in the orchestral hall? Is it realistically sized in your opinion? Thanks so much!
Hows the image & soundstage height? Especially when you stand up, do you look onto the soundstage from the above, like from the balcony in the orchestral hall? Is it realistically sized in your opinion? Thanks so much!

Honestly speaking, I've always voiced systems to rooms in the seated position, what I call the Anchor Point.

I have never given any thought to how it would perform when standing. Sorry!!!

The various types of recorded Presence seem to be portrayed well, whether it's in-room Presence or outdoor-concert Presence. I don't think about sound-stage as much as most, for me it's all about Presence and the resulting musical involvement.

In my viewpoint, concentrating on sound effects can sometimes diminish the musical engagement factor. Not saying that I am right and others are wrong, it's just what I've observed, having voiced something like a thousand systems in my career. So it's a matter of personal belief, not some statement of irrefutable fact.

Actually, for me, it's Dynamics, Presence & Tone.

I think the 703s do a Fyne job in these areas... :rolleyes:
The recording engineer also often determines the height of the soundstage on the mixing console. So it will vary from recording to recording. I often explore various music on Roon and some Asian music I came across, the vocals were up near the ceiling. Talk about sitting in the front row... :D