Esoteric XD Series

The K-03XD has been running all week. It was “yo-yo’ing” a bit a couple of days ago, but has really settled down now and it’s sound signature is shining through.

I’ve experimented more with the filters as well. The DSD has a softer, mellower tone, almost like someone through a light sheet/blanket over the speakers. On overly bright or forward speakers (like Paradigm), some may prefer this setting. On my MBL 101e mk2’s, I’ve been really enjoying 4Fs the most. This upsamples all incoming signals below 176.4hz to 176.4hz.

I have been spinning a lot of discs and when not actively listening, things are on repeat.

The only digital input I have tested is the USB (with a Sigma USB [emoji39]) and I can honestly say, the USB input definitely rivals the spinner, not 1:1, but certainly 90-95% of it. That’s a first, but to be fair, it could be the Shunyata Sigma USB which is the best I’ve ever heard - by far. Must CD players digital inputs take a back seat to their rival transport section. Not the case with the K-03XD. I find the USB input exceedingly transparent, just like the transport.
Mike, curious to know if this unit is competitive in a streaming configuration with somewhat comparably priced solutions from Aqua, Chord, Lumin, MSB, etc.
Mike - How’s the soundstage? I’ve had a few Esoteric models through my room. Had the Grandioso K1 for the longest. I always found that sounds were very pinpointed in the soundstage, wide and deep.. but incredibly exact. Whereas the EMM feels more like live music with brushstrokes in the soundstage.

Not saying either is a bad thing, just always seemed to be the house sound of Esoteric gear.

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When you say brushstrokes. I assume, that the EMM has more detail, resolution, clarity = less jitter than the AKM based Esoteric of past?

The new FPGA Esoteric products seem to be game changer over the past AKM products.

Downside I see is still the extra boxes and cables to add external clocks to Esoteric.

Whereas, EMM no need for an external clock.
Mike, curious to know if this unit is competitive in a streaming configuration with somewhat comparably priced solutions from Aqua, Chord, Lumin, MSB, etc.

Well, I’m feeding it with the Aurender W20SE which runs flawlessly as opposed to Roon. The K-03XD’s USB input, IMO, is right up there sonically with the transport itself, which is very rare. I have found more often then not, in this type of situation, the transport sounds quite a bit better than streaming via the digital inputs. Of course there are a lot of factors involved in this, so possibly, it’s the Aurender that’s taking it up to the same level.

Sonically, the Aqua, Chord and others are so different. The MSB for me remains the analog champion of the world. You like the sound master tape? MSB is it. Other DAC’s like the EMM and Esoteric are pinpoint accuracy, detail champs. They’re not trying to sound like your turntable or your reel to reel. They have their own sound.

That being said, this new Esoteric sound really threads the needle between organic/analog and accuracy/details. It’s a fine line and the XD does it so well.

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Mike, are you going to get D1X in the store?

No plans at this time. If interest is shown, maybe. But with esoteric, the real customer interest is Grandioso K1X on down. That being said, I do have one customer talking P1X/D1X, so we shall see.
I'd like to know how close K1X comes to P1X/D1X. Also N-01XD -vs- N-03T/D1X would be interesting.

It all comes down to the latest technology DAC chip. I owned the Grandioso K1 and it sounded better than the P1/D1 because it had a later DAC chip. If the DAC chip is identical, the separates will provide an advantage.

My K-03XD has been running non-stop. I finally feel like it’s changes have stopped and it’s fully broken in. To my surprise, it’s really smooth out across all frequencies. Yup, it’s a keeper.

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For those not interested in spinning discs, the N-01xd looks fantastic on paper! Basically a streaming DAC (network card built in) which is also Roon Ready. It sounds it’s the same DAC as in K-01xd, but not sure what the network bridge is.
For those not interested in spinning discs, the N-01xd looks fantastic on paper! Basically a streaming DAC (network card built in) which is also Roon Ready. It sounds it’s the same DAC as in K-01xd, but not sure what the network bridge is.

I have one on order!!!

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Chances are good that the Network Bridge has some Lumin DNA.

Highly doubt it. I also don’t think LUMIN does their own network cards / bridges. Likely something from Converse Digital, or even a custom implementation of a Raspberry Pi platform
Neither the Conversdigital products nor the Raspberry Pi products have anything in common with anything Lumin produces. I own a PSA Bridge II which is a Conversdigital product and they don't even slightly resemble the operation of a Lumin either functionally or sound wise. The Conversdigital boards are designed for companies that think they need to include a network option when they have nothing in their own product line. Dozens of companies use a version of the same board PSA does. Lumin has had a working relationship with Teac/Esoteric for a number of years.
The K-03XD is fully broken in now and is a wrap around massive soundstage product. It has incredible transparency and detail. It too plays MQA CD’s and plays the MQA later. It offers filtering options as well. The new remote is dual sided.

I have posted videos on my YouTube channel comparing the Esoteric K-03XD to the Luxman D-10x. Both are similar in price. For the videos we used the exact same cables and CD and volume matching. It’s very interesting and they are totally different (but both in a good way).

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The K-03XD is fully broken in now and is a wrap around massive soundstage product. It has incredible transparency and detail. It too plays MQA CD’s and plays the MQA later. It offers filtering options as well. The new remote is dual sided.
I have posted videos on my YouTube channel comparing the Esoteric K-03XD to the Luxman D-10x. Both are similar in price. For the videos we used the exact same cables and CD and volume matching. It’s very interesting and they are totally different (but both in a good way).
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The differences between them are what I heard in the video someone posted the other day comparing the D-10x, D-08u, and K-03XD.

I'd love to know how the K-01XD and Grandioso K1X compare.
The differences between them are what I heard in the video someone posted the other day comparing the D-10x, D-08u, and K-03XD.

I'd love to know how the K-01XD and Grandioso K1X compare.

I am so enamored with the K-03XD, that I have placed an order for the Grandioso K1X and *NEW* Grandioso PS1 ($15k) after talking at length to my Esoteric Rep and contemplating the P1X and D1X. The Grandioso K1X is “XD” in design but won’t be called such. It is the latest and greatest all in one.


" ... Grandioso PS1 is an external enhanced power supply unit dedicated to the analog circuit (D / A converter module) of Grandioso K1X. The PS1 has four powerful independent power transformers dedicated to analog circuits. In the K1X alone, the first stage (D / A stage) and the second stage (buffer amplifier stage) of the analog circuit are driven by one power transformer per channel, but by connecting PS1, the D / A stage and buffer amplifier The power transformer of each stage is made independent, and it is strengthened to × 2 transformer specification per channel. Digital / analog separation has been clarified to eliminate mutual interference. Double the amount of power supply circuit allows room for DC power supply, contributing to a more powerful tone and improved S / N ... "

" ... By shutting down the power transformers for the two analog circuits originally mounted on the K1X, vibration of the transformers and leakage flux (leakage flux) to the analog circuits can be suppressed, and sound quality can be improved ... "

" ... high-quality analog DC power is supplied from a separate unit, and digital uses the internal power supply of the K1X, thereby promoting digital / analog power separation ... "


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