Esoteric XD Series


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
With the introduction of the new XD series (which I have heard and commented on another thread that it is a tremendous jump in sonic performance), coupled with the fact that they have cleaned up their dealer network, I'm once again considering bringing back Esoteric.

Does anyone know the differences between the K-01XD and K-03XD?

The new XD chip is completely designed in-house and is an FPGA based chip, which is also appealing.
With the introduction of the new XD series (which I have heard and commented on another thread that it is a tremendous jump in sonic performance), coupled with the fact that they have cleaned up their dealer network, I'm once again considering bringing back Esoteric.

Does anyone know the differences between the K-01XD and K-03XD?

The new XD chip is completely designed in-house and is an FPGA based chip, which is also appealing.

Congrats. I don't know the answer to that question but, the N01XD - Streamer with the custom FGPA is most appealing to me.

K0-1XD and 03XD also plays MQA-CD which might cause folks here to be unhinged lol but, they are popular in Japan.

To that end, Is Gibson still owned by TEAC group? Gibson I believe.
Besides cosmetics, I see these differences in this brochure:

[FONT=&quot]"The K-01XD’s new ATLAS 01 disk transport features a 20mm-thick SS400 steel bridge that is identical to that used in our high-end Gran- dioso models. The K-03XD’s ATLAS 03 system employs a simpler 18mm-thick bridge that requires far less machining"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“The K-01XD is equipped with a total of four high-capacity toroidal power transformers that provide more than ample power by dedicating separate transformers to the D/A converter’s Left and Right channels, the transport mechanism, and the digital circuitry. The K-03XD features a total of two high- capacity toroidal power transformers with independent power supplies for the digital and analog circuitry.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“A total of 71 high-capacitance super capacitors are used in the K-01XD (total capacitance: 1,850,000μF), while the K-03XD uses 26 super capacitors (total capacitance: 650,000μF). “[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Only select, premium-grade high- sound-quality parts are used in the K-01XD, for an uncompromising sound that is one step above.” K-01XD & K-03XD Broschure.pdf
Thanks. The question is: which one will be better for demo? Big price difference between the two.

$14k Vs $23k

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Assuming you get the new Luxman player when it's released here (and I'm guessing the price), the 03XD would be the logical rival and the 01XD the potential upper model to outperform both
Big step by Esoteric. They make exceptional transports. Both players look great.

I haven’t heard their players with new DACs. If as good as some have suggested, this could be a great line to pick up again. Assuming, distribution and dealer network have now been addressed.
I wonder how they would compare with MSB. They definitely have it in the aesthetics department, but the most important is the audio ....
I wonder how they would compare with MSB. They definitely have it in the aesthetics department, but the most important is the audio ....

I owned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 Player and G1 Clock. They were terrific sounding components but my MSB Select II DAC is in an entirely different league sonically.

I owned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 Player and G1 Clock. They were terrific sounding components but my MSB Select II DAC is in an entirely different league sonically.


Thanks Ken. That is helpful as I’m trying to put together my next system. Thanks again.
I owned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 Player and G1 Clock. They were terrific sounding components but my MSB Select II DAC is in an entirely different league sonically.

I heard the fully pimped out MSB Select II DAC in a flagship Gryphon system. My Esoteric N-01+G-02X flogged it. Left it for dead. No comparison.
I heard the fully pimped out MSB Select II DAC in a flagship Gryphon system. My Esoteric N-01+G-02X flogged it. Left it for dead. No comparison.

So, back to square one. I’ll have to hear the new one for myself ...
So, back to square one. I’ll have to hear the new one for myself ...

Don’t believe what you read. MSB is the most “analog sounding” DAC’s. The almost turntable/tape replacement. Esoteric is a sound for those who love the most detailed sound. Both are good, but very different. For folks who grew up with vinyl and tape, love MSB. For those who grew up with CD as their reference, may select something else for the detail.

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Don’t believe what you read. MSB is the most “analog sounding” DAC’s. The almost turntable/tape replacement. Esoteric is a sound for those who love the most detailed sound. Both are good, but very different. For folks who grew up with vinyl and tape, love MSB. For those who grew up with CD as their reference, may select something else for the detail.

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Many Thanks. I think I need to hear all the main ones.

I’m already listening to a dCS / Wilson Alexia Series 2 system and it is exceptional. I really like what I hear and it’s owner is a big time vinyl listener too. We’ve only listened to digital so far, but the next time I go over I believe we’re suppose to listen to some vinyl. (my wife keeps asking me if I’m adding a vinyl rig - she likes them :celebrate008_2:)

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that system is right for me or my room. The room can change a lot of things. And their room is a dedicated one and mine is isn’t. My taste in music varies a little too, but not much. So, I have to take this and many other things under consideration.

So, I need to listen to dCS, MSB and Esoteric. And while I’m partial to Magico, listen to a number of other speakers as well (YG, more Wilsons, etc.). As much as possible I want to put the best system together that I can. After some compare and contrasts, I’m sure the right one “for me” will be very apparent.

I’m expecting Post COVID to be lots of fun.
Thanks. The question is: which one will be better for demo? Big price difference between the two.

$14k Vs $23k

You'll want to have both. The K01XD for your high-end room. And the K03XD for the room where I would audition stuff that I could afford.
I heard the fully pimped out MSB Select II DAC in a flagship Gryphon system. My Esoteric N-01+G-02X flogged it. Left it for dead. No comparison.

Hi Brodric,

Did you compare the Esoteric and MSB in the same room and system? If not, it’s probably not that meaningful a comparison. Different room and different components. Well, I owned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 Player and Grandioso G1 Master Clock for one year and have owned the MSB Select II DAC for two years and listened to them in the same listening room and same system extensively.

The Select II DAC provides superior detail, timbres, soundstage, imaging, dynamics and layering. The Esoteric gear, while sounding excellent, did not win out in any single category and overall was not in the same ballpark in my system and room. In short, the Select II DAC provided the most lifelike presentation of any digital component I’ve listened to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have parted ways with $60K of nearly new Esoteric components.

And then there’s the issue of Esoteric components being replaced every other year by a new model with no update path as the value of the existing gear plummets. I replaced my Esoteric components with new models three times in five years. On the other hand, MSB components are entirely modular and can be easily updated for minimal dollars. I am considering adding the Pro USB digital input module (MSRP $1,980) in addition to my Renderer V2 module as it employs MSB’s latest technology and optical connection. Very happy to be off the Esoteric replacement merry-go-round.

You prefer your Esoteric components and that’s fine. Different strokes for different folks. Enjoy it.

Did you compare the Esoteric and MSB in the same room and system? If not, it’s probably not that meaningful a comparison.
I might also have said my M3's flogged the Pendragons as opposed to the Esoteric flogging the MSB. Each system was assessed "as presented" rather than as individual components. For sure the Esoteric/Magico was way better than the MSB/Gryphon, and at a fraction of the price.
For those of us who dwell below the Select/Grandioso price tiers, the forthcoming Luxman D-10X may also be a player.

Agreed. I have that on order. The minute I heard about it last year, I put in an order. I’ll be getting one in the first batch hitting the U.S. SOON!

The thing is guys, all these DAC’s, CD players have different sounds to appeal to different buyers. I do this all day long. One guy will walk in to the store and say to me, “I no longer can do vinyl, had hip surgery, whatever, and I want a DAC that sounds like my vinyl.” I show him the MSB or Luxman, he listens and he’s very happy. The next guy will walk in and say, “I’ve been listening to CD’s for 30 years. I love CD sound, the detail, the dynamics, etc.” and I will show him the EMM or Esoteric and he’s very happy. Each of those buyers will have wired in their brain what reproduced music should sound like. Their reference point if you will. If your reference point for reproduced music in CD’s for the past 30 years, you will find the MSB “too analog”. As hard as that is for someone like me to believe. For those who have been toiling with turntables (and/or tape), they LOVE the MSB/Luxman sound.

Our experiences and our biases dictate everything! I had a customer in the store on Wednesday, he dropped by to borrow a cartridge for his turntable. As he came in, I was messing with the Vivid G2 S2’s and MBL 9011 amps (with the Pass XP22 preamp). He sat down and was blown away. He then left. 15 minutes later, he texted me this: “If I had no adult supervision, I’d trade the AG’s on those Vivids right fucking now.” (The exact quote)

The next morning, he asked to come back and audition the Vivid’s with the Viva amp (he has Viva at home with AG). He came back listened and said, “sounds good, but the magic was with the 9011 amps, can you hook those up?” I did, and he immediately said, “the magic is back!” He listened for 30 minutes and finally said, “I love these speakers, but I just can’t do solid state.”

Our biases are pretty funny and I’m no different (Mr. “Vinyl Rules” over here!). To be frank, until we are willing to check our biases at the door, we will never be able to find the discover the best sound. But our experiences and our biases are what lead to the decisions we make with our systems.