Esoteric migrating off of AKM Dac chips for flagship D1X?


May 17, 2016
I read or heard a rumor that Esoteric is going away from AKM as supplier for their upcoming two chassis flagship D1X DAC.

Now, not sure if its another Delta Sigma brand eg an ESS or they are using a custom FPGA.

Anyone hear similar?
I read or heard a rumor that Esoteric is going away from AKM as supplier for their upcoming two chassis flagship D1X DAC.

Now, not sure if its another Delta Sigma brand eg an ESS or they are using a custom FPGA.

Anyone hear similar?

My opinion is that you are going to see all of the very top manufacturers using their own custom FPGA devices going forward. It differentiates them from the pack.
Read Google translation of a Japanese article on Esoteric's forthcoming Grandioso D1X/P1X DAC/Transport. They are apparently going with an in-house developed DAC.
Read Google translation of a Japanese article on Esoteric's forthcoming Grandioso D1X/P1X DAC/Transport. They are apparently going with an in-house developed DAC.

That is the direction they needed to head. Best of the best develop DAC chips from the ground up

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I'm looking forward to the new Grandioso products....tough decision whether to buy D1X or P1X (I can't do both).
I've got price and availability information now on P1X and D1X (late February).

P1X will be $11K more expensive than what I can buy a new P1 for. That's a big difference, I'm inclined to buy the P1. Any thoughts?

D1X is also significantly more expensive, but I've got a hunch that it will be worth paying the extra for. With the P1X, I'm not so sure.
Read Google translation of a Japanese article on Esoteric's forthcoming Grandioso D1X/P1X DAC/Transport. They are apparently going with an in-house developed DAC.

I’m guessing an in-house designed R2R ladder DAC. IMO, the AKM 4497 is the best sounding of the Delta Sigma DAC chips. My Grandioso K1 sounded amazing when I had it.

I’m guessing an in-house designed R2R ladder DAC. IMO, the AKM 4497 is the best sounding of the Delta Sigma DAC chips. My Grandioso K1 sounded amazing when I had it.


Without question. The K1 is fantastic. But others who built from the ground up have left them in the dust.

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Well yes, but that's comparing a single box player against separates DAC + Transport.

SACD over the K1 is incredible. I can’t speak to either with the matching player. As a DAC, the EMM leaves the K1 in the corner crying. MSB is very close to the EMM, but I think the EMM is better... at least in my room. It’s just more holographic.

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That's interesting. I'm contemplating using my Esoteric N-01 as DAC with the Grandioso P1 (which is almost a K1, sort of). I need to decide quickly as P1 is in run-out and stock will be limited.
That's interesting. I'm contemplating using my Esoteric N-01 as DAC with the Grandioso P1 (which is almost a K1, sort of). I need to decide quickly as P1 is in run-out and stock will be limited.

I’ve had a few esoteric units in and out of my room. The EMM is by far the best, most detailed, holographic sound I’ve ever heard. It reminded me of the first time I heard high end (car) audio. It was a set of MB Quart speakers with a PPI amp. That feeling, and chasing that led me down a very expensive path. EMM DA2 is the best DAC I’ve ever heard, and brought that feeling back

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Interesting. Over on another forum a quite extensive K-01Xs to EMM DA2 comparison yielded opposite results. The writer, who owned both, initially preferred the DA2 but ultimately the K-01Xs; sold the DA2. Has now taken the next step and ordered a D-02X.
Yeah, I read that also. Which put me off buying the EMM DA2 despite getting a very good price from local dealer.
Not heard the premier, only the reference. I owned the K1 for quite a while, it’s no where near the EMM or MSB. Not even close. The DA2 is the best, by a slim margin over the MSB Reference. My non audiophile wife picked the EMM too. Listening to Queen DSD now on it. [emoji16]

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