Devialet impressions.

And I have a pair of ls50's too

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What speakers will you be driving ?
The Devialet is a great piece but on some speakers it's not a great match. I've tried it on the Salon 2's, as has another member here, and the Hegel H30 was clearly superior.

IMHO when you refer to a system using a Devialet you have to specify all the small details - any of them can spoil the whole system and change your conclusions. I have found that this amplifier is extremely sensitive to all cables (digital signal, speaker and power) and power conditioners. Matching the speaker with the proper cables is not easy, and if I did not have a Transparent Reference MM2 on hand I would have considered that the Devialet was not a good match to the Wilson Audio Sophia 3's I am trying with the 400's since yesterday. None of the other cables from my large collection was able to recreate the fantastic Rigoletto Giulini performance (DG 1980 analog recording) I was listening to a few minutes ago. When paired with the Metronome Calypso transport, the Devialet managed to recreate from the CD some aspects that I had only previously heard from the LP using top equipment, mainly the airiness and feeling of "being there" of the great voices and explosive but always correct dynamics of the orchestra in the more dramatic parts. The Sophia 3 using SAM have now the body and envelopment of big speakers!

If I had the Devialet in my system just for a couple of days my opinion would not have been positive at all. But after two weeks tweaking and burning it I have no doubts it is really a great component. First bad news - in my system the 400's are definitively much better than a single 200. I think I am now wanting to try another extra pair to bi-amp the SoundLabs. :)
What speakers will you be driving ?
The Devialet is a great piece but on some speakers it's not a great match. I've tried it on the Salon 2's, as has another member here, and the Hegel H30 was clearly superior.

200 or 400 ...?
IMHO when you refer to a system using a Devialet you have to specify all the small details - any of them can spoil the whole system and change your conclusions. I have found that this amplifier is extremely sensitive to all cables (digital signal, speaker and power) and power conditioners. Matching the speaker with the proper cables is not easy, and if I did not have a Transparent Reference MM2 on hand I would have considered that the Devialet was not a good match to the Wilson Audio Sophia 3's I am trying with the 400's since yesterday. None of the other cables from my large collection was able to recreate the fantastic Rigoletto Giulini performance (DG 1980 analog recording) I was listening to a few minutes ago. When paired with the Metronome Calypso transport, the Devialet managed to recreate from the CD some aspects that I had only previously heard from the LP using top equipment, mainly the airiness and feeling of "being there" of the great voices and explosive but always correct dynamics of the orchestra in the more dramatic parts. The Sophia 3 using SAM have now the body and envelopment of big speakers!

If I had the Devialet in my system just for a couple of days my opinion would not have been positive at all. But after two weeks tweaking and burning it I have no doubts it is really a great component. First bad news - in my system the 400's are definitively much better than a single 200. I think I am now wanting to try another extra pair to bi-amp the SoundLabs. :)

Currently I have all Shunyata cabling and power - cyclops, alpha and anaconda power cords, anaconda speaker, and Python ic's. Once broken in I will try out Kimber select and Nordost against my Shunyata. Current sources are a lumin t1 and VPI traveler. After the cabling gets figured I'm eyeing a move up in the VPI line and possibly the new Aurender.

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Since the Devialets monitor what's going on at the speaker terminals, IMO, it's a mistake to use network speaker cables like Transparent.

I tried Transparent Reference MM2s and some MIT speaker cables in the same price range with my WA S3s and D400. I returned both.

A transport with an AES/EBU output is important. I have my PS Audio PWT connected to my D400 with an Audience Au24 SE AES/EBU cable. It sounds great with Redbook CDs, and even better with DVD-R discs like the Reference Recordings HRx 176.4 kHz / 24-bit digital masters.
Since the Devialets monitor what's going on at the speaker terminals, IMO, it's a mistake to use network speaker cables like Transparent.

I tried Transparent Reference MM2s and some MIT speaker cables in the same price range with my WA S3s and D400. I returned both.

A transport with an AES/EBU output is important. I have my PS Audio PWT connected to my D400 with an Audience Au24 SE AES/EBU cable. It sounds great with Redbook CDs, and even better with DVD-R discs like the Reference Recordings HRx 176.4 kHz / 24-bit digital masters.

Why is it a mistake? These networks have cut-offs much beyond the audio band. Transparent Audio can tune them specifically for the Devialet electrical characteristics. Anyway, IMHO they sound really great in my system and room!
Going back to Raidho C-1.1s - the London Grammar 'Hey You' track is the only track I've ever had any problems with. In two years I've not heard port chuffing or anything negative. I was surprised to hear a problem so brought it up (I probably shouldn't have!).

I've heard a Vitus SIA-025 in place of a Devialet 800 (using the pre-out of the Devialet I seem to recall) and it is superb, but different. A little grainy and not as transparent as the Devialets. Wonderfully musical though. I have to admit I would probably prefer to live with the Devialets as I found them quite neutral whereas the Vitus is a little characterful in comparison. The SIA-025 sure can drive a pair of Sasha 2s though - power is not an issue!

I've tried a few different Transparent speaker cables (though not higher end ones) with Devialet/Raidho and they weren't a good match, but I think this is more a function of Raidho than Devialet. On the other hand the TA Reference XL digital cable is wonderful used between source and Devialet, or between Devialet units, the best I've heard.
Going back to Raidho C-1.1s - the London Grammar 'Hey You' track is the only track I've ever had any problems with. In two years I've not heard port chuffing or anything negative. I was surprised to hear a problem so brought it up (I probably shouldn't have!).

I've heard a Vitus SIA-025 in place of a Devialet 800 (using the pre-out of the Devialet I seem to recall) and it is superb, but different. A little grainy and not as transparent as the Devialets. Wonderfully musical though. I have to admit I would probably prefer to live with the Devialets as I found them quite neutral whereas the Vitus is a little characterful in comparison. The SIA-025 sure can drive a pair of Sasha 2s though - power is not an issue!

I've tried a few different Transparent speaker cables (though not higher end ones) with Devialet/Raidho and they weren't a good match, but I think this is more a function of Raidho than Devialet. On the other hand the TA Reference XL digital cable is wonderful used between source and Devialet, or between Devialet units, the best I've heard.

I will echo your comments . I have never heard any of the things that were being brought up (port chuffing and the like). As numerous owners have told us - setup for Raidhos is key . So is the room and the ancillary equipment . They extract a high cost in every way and I think demand considerable time be spent on care and feeding. But the payoff is astounding and to my ears , sound like nothing else . YMMV.

As far as cabling is concerned, I am using Ansuz cabling for the Devialet/Raidho system (Mainz8, power cords) and although I was more than a little skeptical, particularly given the Ansuz price points, I have to say the synergy is tremendous and the system has never sounded better . Sonically more cohesive , better image saturation and to my ears , a warmer tonality .

This is a better conversation , hopefully we are done with the the throw-away comments that do nothing to further the discourse or to improve our understanding.

Raidho and Devialet is a great combination IMHO and my speakers are keepers, until I can afford to upgrade and it would almost certainly be to other Raidhos. I must try Ansuz. I'm still using my Audiovector Avantgarde cables from my previous speakers which probably aren't ideal, but they've better any other cable I've tried so far including up-to-midrange Nordost (which should in theory be an excellent fit too), and they share the same characteristics - i.e 'fast'.
(...) On the other hand the TA Reference XL digital cable is wonderful used between source and Devialet, or between Devialet units, the best I've heard.

Unfortunately yes ... Although it is very expensive, the TA top digital XLR cable operates miracles in my Devialet system. I have been looking for a decent price alternative, but after listening to the Reference XL all others have sounded sounded less "fluid". These comparisons were however carried with the SoundLab A1 PX, not with the Sophia 3.

Are you using a TA Reference XL RCA digital cable between the two mono Devialet's?
Rather disappointingly I'm getting some severe cone breakup with that track and my C-1.1s with a Devialet 200. Strangely it's actually worse with SAM enabled than disabled (at the same volume).

Sam is attempting to extend the low frequency response, so not surprising....use a foam plug for the ports, (open cell) and try it again ..
Unfortunately yes ... Although it is very expensive, the TA top digital XLR cable operates miracles in my Devialet system. I have been looking for a decent price alternative, but after listening to the Reference XL all others have sounded sounded less "fluid". These comparisons were however carried with the SoundLab A1 PX, not with the Sophia 3.

Are you using a TA Reference XL RCA digital cable between the two mono Devialet's?


How is it on the sophia's , I heard them on the Neolith and as you excellent on the ESL 'S ....
Sam is attempting to extend the low frequency response, so not surprising....use a foam plug for the ports, (open cell) and try it again ..

Inexplicable why this keeps coming up..... I think it has already been established several posts ago that this is a unique track & behaviour specific to that piece of music in both Rufus' experience & mine. It appears to be an issue with the modulation inherent in the recording on both vinyl and digital . Perhaps as I've already posted previously , a sympathetic resonance.
Sam is attempting to extend the low frequency response, so not surprising....use a foam plug for the ports, (open cell) and try it again ..

I may try port plugs again but I generally find I don't like them. SAM limits the cone movement to 5mm in the case of C-1.1s so that's why I'm a little surprised it's just as bad, if not worse with SAM enabled for me, particularly as someone earlier in the thread I think mentioned SAM cured the problem.
It is only one track and I was really playing it as a test rather than for enjoyment! It really is a non-issue.
Inexplicable why this keeps coming up..... I think it has already been established several posts ago that this is a unique track & behaviour specific to that piece of music in both Rufus' experience & mine. It appears to be an issue with the modulation inherent in the recording on both vinyl and digital . Perhaps as I've already posted previously , a sympathetic resonance.

Not sure, the post came up in my email mess and i responded , i was not aware if it was before or after....
I may try port plugs again but I generally find I don't like them. SAM limits the cone movement to 5mm in the case of C-1.1s so that's why I'm a little surprised it's just as bad, if not worse with SAM enabled for me, particularly as someone earlier in the thread I think mentioned SAM cured the problem.
It is only one track and I was really playing it as a test rather than for enjoyment! It really is a non-issue.


Agree on ported plugs, if you use an open foam plug it may help, I cant see why it would be worse myself on Sam, if the sam software limits the c1.1 to 5mm ...

whats the linear xmax on that woofer ..?

How is it on the sophia's , I heard them on the Neolith and as you excellent on the ESL 'S ....

After some playing the 400's become an excellent match with the Sophia 3 using Transparent Audio speaker cables. Still looking for an adequate set of power cables for this pairing - the Furutech cheaper cable sounded harsh, Quantum Technology sounded balanced but lacking drive, van den Hul The MAINSSTREAM HYBRID was the best in my system, but reinforced the bass, obliging me to switch the SAM off. I did not have the time or the opportunity to optimize the position of the Sophia's, as the Soundlab's are always in place, perhaps moving them would solve this problem.

All IMHO and in my system!
Dragging up the London Grammar 'Hey You' torture track again, I recently changed source from a Cubox to a Melco N1A. The track plays perfectly on my C-1.1s now!