Hello from Albany, NY


New member
Jun 15, 2019
Albany, NY
I have been reading this forum for a while and I think it offers a high level if expertise in a friendly environment. That is sadly unusual in today's internet and to be treasured.

Anyone from the New Jersey area will probably recognize the expert hand of John Rutan of Audio Connection in my component selection :congrats:
Now its time to get more serious about digital or upgrade to Vandersteen 7s. Decisions, decisions, hard to afford both.

There are two things you might not notice:
The American Clay (its clay) on the walls and ceiling was an amazing improvement in acoustics.
The CAD GC1 was a recent add and an amazing one. I heard the CAD room at Axpona and it was superb. The GC1 transformed the bass in my system which was already pretty darn good given the analog EQ in the powered sub built into the 5A carbons and added some color I never new was missing (sounds more grey when i disconnect it)..
Welcome Backpacker.

Vandy 7’s are awesome!

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Welcome, and on the behalf of the site, thanks for the kind words.

FWIW, there's a dealer in this area who carries Ayre, he tells me the Exogal at $3500 sounds better than the Codex. He was jazzed on that Exogal, sadly I didn't get the chance to hear it yet.
Welcome to AudioShark, Backpacker. Nice system you have!


Thank you!

Your system intrigues me. I have heard all of the components but not in a single system. And the Select is a bit too dear for my budget anyway. But i bet it sounds phenomenal. I wish Richard would demo with it sometime.
Welcome, and on the behalf of the site, thanks for the kind words.

FWIW, there's a dealer in this area who carries Ayre, he tells me the Exogal at $3500 sounds better than the Codex. He was jazzed on that Exogal, sadly I didn't get the chance to hear it yet.

Thanks, I was not aware of this one.
Hi Backpacker, from another Albanian. I work in Albany and live in Niskayuna. Not sure if we have met before but would enjoy meeting with another local audio enthusiast.
Thank you!

Your system intrigues me. I have heard all of the components but not in a single system. And the Select is a bit too dear for my budget anyway. But i bet it sounds phenomenal. I wish Richard would demo with it sometime.

I previously had an ARC Ref CD-9 Player and an Esoteric Grandioso K1/G1 Player/Clock for my sources in conjunction with an ARC Ref 10 Preamp. It sounded wonderful with Vandersteen. But when I traded in these components for the Select II DAC it was game over. The Select II DAC is on another level from any other source I’ve listened to since I got back into the hobby.

Hi Backpacker, from another Albanian. I work in Albany and live in Niskayuna. Not sure if we have met before but would enjoy meeting with another local audio enthusiast.

That sounds great! I assume there is a way to send private messages on this forum. Let 's get together.