JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
My Job 225 arrived last night. They apparently ship overnight from Switzerland once the order goes through. Holy cow! The amp and box arrived in perfect shape via FedEx. The packaging was great and I think more than adequate. Hooking it up was very easy with RCA inputs and solid speaker terminals. The review and manual has a warning that kind of scared me a little.

* Directly from the owner's manual, "the Job 225 is a DC-coupled amp without protection. If it is associated with a badly designed or defective analog preamplifier (often true for tube preamps or some 5-channel processors) the speakers could easily be damaged by DC. The Job 225 doesn't amplify DC but DC applied at the input is passed to the output."

Not wanting to risk my TADs, I hooked up my Andrew Jones designed Pioneer bookshelf speakers and crossed my fingers. These cost under $200 and are superb for the money. I hooked up the Dartzeel preamp to the Job 225 and started playing some music. OMG! to discount this amp on price is just plain stupid. It sounds amazing. Full, warm, detailed without being harsh. It has a HUGE sound stage with depth and layering. I absolutely love it and can say it can compete with amps 5-8X the retail price. This amp makes my Pioneer speakers sing like never before. I've had it playing all night and I am literally in disbelief.

I don't fully understand which preamps/dacs can pass DC yet. I have a friend who showed me photos of blown speaker woofers because the well known brand amp he was using passes dc and it fried them. Needless to say I was, and still am nervous about that. This amp could really satisfy as my main amp. It has gotten better overnight and will give it more play time to let it settle. It runs warm but not hot. I love this thing. It's not the typical SS sound and not the typical tube sound. It has some of the best qualities of both.
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Excellent Joe! Keep us posted - also it's incredible how good those Pioneer bookshelf speakers sound for the price! I have them also!
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I'll eventually get the nerve to hook up the TADs but right now I am really impressed with this amp.
Joe, that sounds great! Seems like the bargain of the century! Congrats on a great find!:panic:
Joe, are you sick of it yet? Just kidding. Great to hear of your find of a reasonably priced sleeper. Will be interesting to hear your thoughts on how it compares to the big boys.
I can't wait to get the nerve to try it on my TADs but it's really, really good. I am speechless.
I'll eventually get the nerve to hook up the TADs but right now I am really impressed with this amp.

Do you think it would be safe to run your DAC2X directly into the amp using it's volume control? You could try that out on your Pioneers first and then if it's safe try that with the TADs...
Do you think it would be safe to run your DAC2X directly into the amp using it's volume control? You could try that out on your Pioneers first and then if it's safe try that with the TADs...

Hi Jeff,

The DAC2X has no volume control but I could use the modified Sonos as the source and use the volume control on the Sonos. I've done it before and will try it tonight.
Ah got it - I knew you were running your DAC without a preamp before and that makes sense now.

I just swapped it so it's direct now. I do prefer a preamp in the mix. So far so good.

I'm convinced the Dart preamp is bringing up the performance of the Job 225.
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Congrats Joe !! Sounds like you found a diamond in the rough, I love it when that happens !

Congrats Joe !! Sounds like you found a diamond in the rough, I love it when that happens !


Thanks Mark. It is definitely worth more than the asking price.
Hmm, was considering an integrated for the BR, but something like this + a small Pre sounds really good, too.

So does the Dart or the Dag go to make room for the Job, Joe?:P
You could build a nice little system around that amp, and not break the bank.
Would be perfect for a bedroom system.

Glad you like it.
Everything goes but the Job.

Seriously this has me rethinking things.

I do like it. I need some time to get over the excitement.