Raidho D1 speakers and amplifier recommendations


New member
Apr 9, 2015
London, ON, Canada
I have Raidho D1's arriving early next week and I am now questioning my amplifier choice. I have Clayton M200 monoblocks which I have enjoyed and served me well, however I was planning on selling them as part of a package and moving to a new system with smaller sized speakers (the D1's). I was considering going to a tube amp (Coincident Dragon MkII monoblocks - 75w triode) but from what I've been reading the Raidho's respond better, especially in the low end, to 100+watt solid state amps. So my questions to the community are: (a) would Dragons work well, or not; and (b) what alternatives have you heard that you could recommend.

Thanks to all who respond.
Welcome Tyyreld. The D1's like/need a little power.

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Thanks Mike. So when you say a "little power", is 75w triode insufficient? Do I need to go 150w+ as is the sense I am getting?
I have Raidho D1's arriving early next week and I am now questioning my amplifier choice. I have Clayton M200 monoblocks which I have enjoyed and served me well, however I was planning on selling them as part of a package and moving to a new system with smaller sized speakers (the D1's). I was considering going to a tube amp (Coincident Dragon MkII monoblocks - 75w triode) but from what I've been reading the Raidho's respond better, especially in the low end, to 100+watt solid state amps. So my questions to the community are: (a) would Dragons work well, or not; and (b) what alternatives have you heard that you could recommend.

Thanks to all who respond.

Tyrreld, there is a treasure trove of info in the Raidho section here on A.S.

The manufacturer's forum is here:

Raidho Acoustics
Thanks Mike. So when you say a "little power", is 75w triode insufficient? Do I need to go 150w+ as is the sense I am getting?

Before you jump into buying a new amp, try them with your current ones. You might be surprised. If you feel you need a little more, than you have lots of options.
Tyrreld Welcome
When I had D1's I used an Octave V110 integrated at approx 90W (rated at 110W with KT120's which I don't care for - using KT90's at the high power setting). Still using the Octave with D2's now. I think it sounds great but that being I have not had any other amps to compare. I have no urge to try any others as of now.
I have Raidho D1's arriving early next week and I am now questioning my amplifier choice. I have Clayton M200 monoblocks which I have enjoyed and served me well, however I was planning on selling them as part of a package and moving to a new system with smaller sized speakers (the D1's). I was considering going to a tube amp (Coincident Dragon MkII monoblocks - 75w triode) but from what I've been reading the Raidho's respond better, especially in the low end, to 100+watt solid state amps. So my questions to the community are: (a) would Dragons work well, or not; and (b) what alternatives have you heard that you could recommend.

Thanks to all who respond.

I have D1's and found that they respond well to Class D or modified Class D amps - Thanks to my unceasing efforts on behalf of all Sharks, as well as deft maneuvering around Devialet's restrictions on voting, I managed to get them to produce a SAM profile for the D1. They sound fantastic in that setup. Note that Raidho themselves use Rowland Continuum S2 integrateds quite often- another modified Class D amp. I'll echo what Mike says - they like power. My Devialet 400's are cranked up to 3 o'clock on the D1's for reasonable listening volumes. Go for quality above all else - they are ruthlessly revealing. And placement will drive you mad - best to know that going in.

Thanks Bobo...

I've been looking at the Deviate 400 mono's. Not what I'm used to or familiar with; but well reviewed and seem highly compatible. Very versatile as well. They may possibly allow me to integrate my Wilson Benesch sub (torus infrasonic generator) which I plan to keep from my previous system.

Great advise here on Audioshark! Much appreciated!
I agree with Bobolaclune. Devialet 400 would be terrific.

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Thanks Bobo...

I've been looking at the Deviate 400 mono's. Not what I'm used to or familiar with; but well reviewed and seem highly compatible. Very versatile as well. They may possibly allow me to integrate my Wilson Benesch sub (torus infrasonic generator) which I plan to keep from my previous system.

Great advise here on Audioshark! Much appreciated!

As many of the inmates here on AS will attest , these are truly unbelievable speakers with (in my experience) , three caveats on which many a word has been spilled on the Forums - bass response , woofer excursion and placement. IMO , the SAM profile combined with the unique topology of Devialet's power circuit design are great answers to the first two. Take a Valium and your hypertension medication before attempting the third. I think there's also good evidence that the synergy with Raidho cabling & power treatment kicks everything up a few notches too, I am just about to move over to that loom myself.
+1 for Devialet. I'm auditioning a 400 right now with my D2s. I'll post details in a separate thread after I get some more time but so far so good. My Musical Fidelity M6500i pairs pretty well but I'm giving the slight edge to Devialet at the moment. MF has the warmth but not quite the detail as the 400. More to follow.

As mentioned with the Raidho you MUST have patience with break in and placement. Also key to get the right amp or you could run into serious headaches around the bass response.
The D1s seem to go through a LOT of power if you play them loud like I do.

In the non-extremely expensive amps - I've owned a Devialet and Rowland S2 and have had the Musical Fidelity M6 500i for a weekend. Out of the three, I feel that the Devialet did the best job plus it has the convenience /value of a very good DAC built in, great remote, great app remote also.

If you want to spend lots and lots money money, we can discuss those amps too. :)
The German Stereo magazine measured the D1's sensitivity to be 76.2dB, so they require power.
The German Stereo magazine measured the D1's sensitivity to be 76.2dB, so they require power.

Those guys need to get new test equipment - there is a grotesque difference between Raidho's claimed 88db numbers and a 76db tested sensitivity - that can't possibly be true . Power hungry yes but 76db? Forget the D400, you'd need a nuclear reactor to power them at that rating
These are small monitors and are not meant to be played at high SPLs or from far away listening positions. I'd say 100-200W would be fine on them.



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These are small monitors and are not meant to be played at high SPLs or from far away listening positions. I'd say 100-200W would be fine on them.


Bizarre and IMO, hopelessly wrong.

Have you heard them ?? - whatever they are , don't be fooled by the size - they put most floor standers to shame and they most certainly do not sound like a small monitor - they can fill a huge room . And yes - that woofer excursion and the diamond coating on the drivers are designed with high SPL's in mind. Ask any of the Raidho D series owners in the group - there's quite a few.
Thanks to my unceasing efforts on behalf of all Sharks, as well as deft maneuvering around Devialet's restrictions on voting, I managed to get them to produce a SAM profile for the D1.

If you REALLY appreciated shark your magic on SAM for Strads :yahoo1:
If you REALLY appreciated shark your magic on SAM for Strads :yahoo1:

Your wish is my command . But here are some useful tips - Devialet restricts voting to 2 votes per IP address. So I was in NYC and just went to a bunch of Starbucks , logged on and voted away . Apart from a pretty permanent caffeine-rush there were no serious side-effects and presto !! SAM profile.

I mean we all love Mike , he's almost a good guy - we should do this little favour to bail him out of his SAM-less existence.