darTZeel or D'Agostino on my TAD CR-1's ? ... (my opinion only) ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I've been thinking about how to answer this question. I've had a love/hate relationship with my TAD CR-1's. They are amazing speakers and demand a lot from the electronics and music being played. When it's right, OMG! I don't think there's much better. I've been an early adopter of the Dartzeel 108, eventually adding the 18NS. There is no doubt that Dartzeel is one of the finest amps/preamp on the planet. When I introduced the Dart 108 to my CR-1's, I knew this is a special combo. Adding the preamp only confirmed what I was hearing. Dartzeel on my TADs is just a natural, grain free presentation. Amazing detail with zero harshness, well defined bass without being bloated. The Dart 108 lets everything pass through it without editorializing the sound. If your source is really good, you will surely be rewarded. If your music is poorly recorded or somewhat harsh, this combo will not sugar coat it and the TADs can spotlight those poorer recording. For me, this can be uncomfortable at times. Fast forward to today and I have since added the D'Agostino Momentum stereo amp and Momentum preamp. I really liked what the Momentum amp did for my CR-1's. The sound is fuller, bigger with more meat on the bone. Some may find that tiring over the long haul. Since adding the companion Momentum preamp to the D'Agostino amp, I am loving what I am hearing through my TADs. Yes, this combination is not as truthful as the Dartzeel combo but I can't handle the truth. I want a more musical, i.e. forgiving, presentation. The D'Agostino combo on my TADs is wonderful. Huge, both left to right and top to bottom, sound stage. Layered and in the room presentation to the music. My poorer recordings sound much better, even great. My better recordings are outstanding. I still love my Dartzeel but I am starting to prefer my D'Agostino on my TADs. I will be experimenting with different speakers over the coming months so this is still subject to change. System synergy and personal preference, at this point, is what's important to me. Right or wrong, I am the one who listens to my system and I need to enjoy what I hear.
Wow, the Dag pre was able to swing the pendulum to the other side that much?! That must be some preamp!:exciting:

I've heard the Dag and Dart separately, they are both excellent! I do understand your dilemma.:what: But just go with your guts, Joe. In the end, you're the one living with the system and it needs to keep YOU happy, noone else!:peace:
Wow, the Dag pre was able to swing the pendulum to the other side that much?! That must be some preamp!:exciting:

I've heard the Dag and Dart separately, they are both excellent! I do understand your dilemma.:what: But just go with your guts, Joe. In the end, you're the one living with the system and it needs to keep YOU happy, noone else!:peace:


It's amazing. Really! The synergy between them is UNDENIABLE.
The reason we build a system is to make ourselves happy,what others think is not important. I totally agree with your line of thought, when it sounds musical,when your not listening to gear,you've found the right combination !!!!
The reason we build a system is to make ourselves happy,what others think is not important. I totally agree with your line of thought, when it sounds musical,when your not listening to gear,you've found the right combination !!!!


You were right about what ultimately might work better.

it's great to hear you are happy.



You know what I am hearing. Dan made some great components. They are wonderful.
System synergy and personal preference, at this point, is what's important to me. Right or wrong, I am the one who listens to my system and I need to enjoy what I hear.

Joe...that's the only thing that matters. There is no right or wrong. There is only what pleases your ears and what does not. Everything else is nonsense. For sh*ts and giggles, have you tried the 18NS with your D'Ag Momentum amp? Just curious is all.
Music is meant to give us pleasure, to evoke some kind of emotion, to make us feel, think and discover.

We all go about trying different pieces of gear in different ways to get the best of what we look for to reproduce our music. It sounds like you're getting closer and closer all the time Joe.
Joe...that's the only thing that matters. There is no right or wrong. There is only what pleases your ears and what does not. Everything else is nonsense. For sh*ts and giggles, have you tried the 18NS with your D'Ag Momentum amp? Just curious is all.

I have. While I felt it was a step up in TAD satisfaction, I felt something was missing. I felt I could do better. I had to use either the XLR outs on the Dart preamp, which is the least preferred method of connection (due to the output transformers), or RCA to XLR adapters which I am not crazy about. Hooking up the Dag preamp was one of those Ah-Ha moments where you realize - Wow! This is amazing.
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Music is meant to give us pleasure, to evoke some kind of emotion, to make us feel, think and discover.

We all go about trying different pieces of gear in different ways to get the best of what we look for to reproduce our music. It sounds like you're getting closer and closer all the time Joe.

I am having fun! Thanks Doug!
What a treat to be able to have such world class gear to compare. Joe, you're definitely the leader in finding such a wonderful combination! Just wait until you get that Manley phono stage and VPI table humming!
My guess is that the TAD's were made for vinyl! With that Manley Steelhead, that Lyra Kleos, those speakers will be transformed once again. Oh, and the Marantz (after 200 hours) is amazing too!

The journey of Joe is a fun one that's for sure! Glad I'm along for the ride.
I don't see the Marantz in the signature line. Did you pull the trigger on the NA11S1 Joe?
I don't see the Marantz in the signature line. Did you pull the trigger on the NA11S1 Joe?

Yes. I'll have it and a bunch of other gear in a couple of more weeks. My sig. will be chock full. :)