It may be over for me - may lose everything


New member
May 21, 2013
I was just informed of a big cut in pay with a reschedule of payment going from twice/month to once. I don't make well under $40k as it is. I may need to sell most all of my gear to pay for food or rent and gas. Trouble is I would be giving up music and taking a massive loss because I can't get but pennies on the dollar for anything as selling is such a hassle, I'll take any offer just to be done. I'd be lucky to get $200 for everything which won't help. Even though I love music I should not be in this hobby I guess. I should find something else for a hobby, but what? I'm not interested in anything anymore for a hobby. I need to think this through, but I don't have time. It was just sprung on me without notice. I need to try to save myself tonight I guess. I don't know why I bother though, just survival instinct I guess which sucks the life out of ya.
Really sorry to hear of your situation. Don't give up, and let the music get you through it, with whatever gear you can save.

Good energy sent your way!

I am sorry to read this. You have a weekend to think this through and hopefully figure out what's best for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Eric, don't feel down because of a financial situation; some people lost much more than that; family, friends for example.

Also, right here in this site, some people are much much poorer than you; they lost everything, all their life savings, and don't even have a home and transportation.

Instead count all your great blessings; people like Joe, Mike, and all the other members here. ...And look around you; all the lovely flowers, the trees, the blue sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the forests, the lakes, the rivers, the oceans, the whales, the sharks, all the fishes, all the varieties of birds, the eagles, the hummingbirds, the rabbits, the frogs, the squirrels, the spiders, the ants, the deer, the moose, the mouses, the horses, the cows, the sheep, the dogs, the cats, the jaguars, the tigers, the lions, the leopards, the lynx, and all that wildlife jazz ....

I tell ya, I lost everything myself, but I also found everything else that I wasn't fully aware of!
If only you knew ....

Money is totally superficial; it's the heart that truly counts, what's inside and outside of it. ...And for me, personally, music is a savior, a big one.

So, it's ok of you to share with us your burden, ...and we'll share some more with you too.
Don't ever forget this Eric: you have US here, and that is much more than anything you will ever have in life.
...People who do understand, and are always here for you.

Nothing is ever over, and the more you lose the more you gain.
OMG! Guys, I've just been punked by my boss!!! Sorry for the alarm, but he really had me!

OMG! I just found know what? This was a ruse mostly. I just got punked by my boss!!! I don't believe it! I'm so sorry for the alarm guys, but he got me good! It was soooooooo effective because I'm gullible as hell on these matters and more importantly, it is totally out of his character! He asked me to take him on a quick errand (part of the plan I found out) and it was then that he told me that we are really switching to once per month payment, but I am NOT getting an effective cut, I'm getting a raise!! First one in the six plus years I've been there! He is not known for doing this! We got in the car and he started laughing and I asked him what was so funny and that's when he revealed. He let me stew for 1.5 hours on it the rat! It's not a big raise or anything, but it will help a little anyway and he did it completely on his own thought and I appreciate it a little bit beyond what my vast vocabulary will allow. His reason to me was: "Well, Eric you work real hard and you do good work". He's a man of few words. (Funny, my supervisor would say quite the opposite, but she's no mental giant and extremely political. Too much for me to handle a lot of the time). I was hired direct by my boss (the owner of the company) and that's who really counts. I just can't believe he did this to me!! He is not a practical joker by any stretch of the imagination. I guess it just shows how unbelievably effective this punking was. ~Eric Again, sorry guys, but I was tricked completely! I still have to figure out the adjustment on frequency of payment, but I'm good at that sort of thing so I should have it worked out tonight. When you live check to check, a change in method can really throw you.
I'm so glad it was just being punked. Congrats on the raise - however small it is. The thought behind the raise is sometimes better than the money.
I'm so glad it was just being punked. Congrats on the raise - however small it is. The thought behind the raise is sometimes better than the money.

Indeed! My boss is not known for giving raises which is why I have not had one since I was hired. I'm the lowest paid person in the company, but it is what it is. my boss is known for his fairness however...well, except for giving me 10 unaffordable heart attacks today maybe.:) Yes, since he did so this all on his own thought (I've never said anything even though I needed it due to the economy and his reputation, I'd figure it would be like talking to a wall at best). That's why my lexicon is failing me for my appreciation.

Thank God. Congratulations on the raise.

Thank you....and thank goodness! Cost me 10 heart attacks and a couple of years though. LOL! I still can't believe he did this! He knows how fragile I am in a sense (he changed for the better a little while after I was hired. He used to be very grumpy, demanding and impatient and that is just not my speed. He learned fast how fragile I am and changed his ways. He is a different person then he was 6 years ago).