What Music Server and Dac Will Out Perform My Turntable and Phono Preamp

In a pure ease of use digital rules and tape is second.
It’s what I do of doing paperwork or house stuff. I’m playing James brown 20 all time hits.
this on vinyl wound be a issue lol. but to go back on topic if we own analog first the digital must Match or in speed and texture or it’s just a bad going back and forth. It’s why I said the LAMPI trp it’s fast and analog like. The sever must just good enough to make it sound good. A The tube choice dials it in perfect to have the sound of your cartridge.
It is exactly the opposite for me. I get restless even thinking about playing vinyl knowing I have to get up at least every 20 minutes to flip the record. Twenty minutes is the maximum considering I am forced to either listen to shitty tracks on virtually every release or get up and skip over them. Much easier to do with a digital front end. Life to short to listen to crappy music.

I do agree with this although I am enjoying my analog experiment. I believe moving forward both will be part of my system!
It is exactly the opposite for me. I get restless even thinking about playing vinyl knowing I have to get up at least every 20 minutes to flip the record. Twenty minutes is the maximum considering I am forced to either listen to shitty tracks on virtually every release or get up and skip over them. Much easier to do with a digital front end. Life to short to listen to crappy music.

I think you have made that clear on many occasions.

Nevertheless, I strongly doubt that will deter anyone enjoying vinyl from doing so. For those who enjoy it, and can afford it, there’s no reason for choosing just one.

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I think you have made that clear on many occasions.

Nevertheless, I strongly doubt that will deter anyone enjoying vinyl from doing so. For those who enjoy it, and can afford it, there’s no reason for choosing just one.

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I actually find that I become more engaged musically when I listen to an entire album or CD compared to jumping around to my favorite tracks. The music just seems to flow better.

I actually find that I become more engaged musically when I listen to an entire album or CD compared to jumping around to my favorite tracks. The music just seems to flow better.


[emoji3] this was what I was trying to describe. With digital jumping tracks is just so easy, that I find myself constantly looking for the next snippet.

But which one ever anyone likes, digital or analog, anything goes.

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Must be nice to enjoy all music.

I didn’t say I enjoy all music, but I do play albums I like all the way through. It’s hard for me to find a jazz album from the late 1950s through the early 1960s that I would want to skip a track on.
I didn’t say I enjoy all music, but I do play albums I like all the way through. It’s hard for me to find a jazz album from the late 1950s through the early 1960s that I would want to skip a track on.

Yup, just listened to Sonny Rollins’ Saxophone Colossus. What track could you skip!

Yup, just listened to Sonny Rollins’ Saxophone Colossus. What track could you skip!


Or you would deserve to be crucified! :D

I seldom skip tracks, but when I don't like an album, I won't lose my time on it, and move on to something else quickly.
I actually find that I become more engaged musically when I listen to an entire album or CD compared to jumping around to my favorite tracks. The music just seems to flow better.


in this one for me I do it different, because there are so many poor albums around with just 1 great song, a few ok, and all the others are “room cleaners” (music that you turn on your own party when you like to finish the event). From the collection of great ones on all different albums I make my own playlist and have fun with my own mixture.
yes, i just see, melco seem not to be a brand in usa.
there is a dealer for melco in canada
i guess he would be able to get you whatever you want from melco. probably the new series will be in his shop soon anyway. he seems to discount the old one.

havent heard the melcos myself. as per friends the middle model with hdd is very good....then again the topmodel with ssd is said to be the best server to date. melco is not just assembling, they are computermanufactor of ssd and made a special audio ssd. that differs a lot comared to pc ssd, noisewise.
I own Melco so let me clear a couple things up. Melco is distributed by Luxman in the US, Gramophone is the Canadian Distributor. The SSD drives from Melco are licenced to another Manufacturer so they cannot be sold in the US or Canada, that is why we only get the 6TB spinning platter drive models. Trust me, I tried real hard to get the SSD variant but the Distributor could not convince Melco to send one, not even for "audition".

The Melcos could use some improvements in their user interface but sonically they do some wonders. Its a combination of their specialized and optimized drives as well as their ethernet "purifier". My X1 sounded considerably better being fed by the Melco than being directly connected to my home router.
I wouldn't say nasty, as even the standard drives are very quiet, just simply a reality when dealing with the Japanese. They're very protective of their technology.