Bryston speakers

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Australian Hi-Fi Show 2016 – Bryston Demo

October 2016

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Hi James,

The Bryston demo system at the recent Australian Hi-Fi Show consisted of:

Bryston BLP-1 Turntable, Bryston BDP-Pi Digital Player, Bryston BDA-3 DAC, Bryston BP-2 MM/MC Phono Stage, Bryston BP-26 Pre Amp, Bryston 14B3 Power Amplifier, Bryston Middle T Speakers, Cardas Parsec XLR Interconnects, Cardas Golden Cross Speaker Cables, Cardas Twinlink Power Cables (Throughout)

Bryston Model A Mini (Static)
Bryston Model A2 (Static)

Bryston Speakers are now on the map in a big way In Australia!

There were so many people stating that the Bryston room with the Middle T speakers was best sounding room at the show.

Kind Regards,
George Poutakidis

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Dear Mr. Tanner:

I don't recall that we have ever met, but I've been in the audio business since 2000.

I sold Bryston from 2000-2003 when I worked at Audio/Video Showcase in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Now I am at Paragon Sight & Sound.

I was fortunate to purchase a pair of Bryston Mini T speakers from EMI systems - who was your Michigan representative. The Minis are the ideal speakers to sit at each end of my BDI low-boy stand, so I jumped at the opportunity to grab them! I cannot believe how full-range these speakers sound for the relatively small cabinet volume.

Very impressive engineering!

Ryan Hansen
Sales, System Design
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini A Speaker – Customer Feedback

January 2017

Hi Folks,

Hi James

I have been listening to the Mini A speakers for about a week now. I would like to give you some of my personal feedback.

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These speakers have excellent imaging and the sound stage is both wide and deep. The bass is very detailed with no boomy sound. They seem to be very tolerant to speaker location not having a major impact on sound quality.

Bottom line the Mini A’s are an incredible speaker for the money.

I bought the speakers without listening to them, but spending a week with the Mini A I know I made the right decision.

I'm looking forward to getting the mini T, TC1 and the Mini T sub.

Joe Cappello
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini T Speakers - Feedback

January 2016

Bryston Mini-T (Initial impressions)

Thanks to Ivan, I am now the proud new owner of a set of Bryston Mini-T's

I received them Friday the thirteenth (I know, if I was superstitious, I wouldn't do anything until Saturday, however I couldn't wait), took tons of pictures of the unboxing and set up, once I had them in place and ready to go, I turned on my stereo system and away we went.

I had my Sonus Faber' as my front speakers previously and a REL III for deep bass. Over the couple of years of having this set up, there was a distinct noticeable unblended sound with this configuration.

I have used my Pioneer MCACC to balance them and tuned per the directions both in the REL III manual, as well as, Simko online directions on how to properly set the REL III for harmonious play with a set of speakers.

Unfortunately, I never found a blended sound, the REL stood out by itself as it was always a noticeable separation between the two; or there was an inherent lack of bass when I de-tuned the REL to much.

Fast forward to Friday (1/13), I slowly built the Target Audio stands, even using a square to make sure the posts are all perfectly aligned. (I'm a little OCD). I then bothered Ivan trying to figure out how to properly attach the Mini-T's to these incredible speaker stands...Once I got clear guidance on how to mechanically attach the Mini-T's to the Target Audio MR stands. I set the speakers where I thought they would sound best and fired up the system. I put n a CD recommended by Ivan (Hell Freezes Over (K2 HD Master Import) and started listening, I did not use the Pioneer MCACC set up prior.

My first immediate impressions was that the REL had disappeared it had somehow disappeared or blended seamlessly into the soundstage. There was a clear harmonious sound, then the overall sound/voices/instruments were crisp, clear, and flowed smoothly out of the enclosures. I played the CD at a soft low volume to not hurt/damage the speaker (I'm nervous, never spent this kind of money for a set of speakers) I listened to the entire CD and was just amazed how it sounded...Then came a multi-channel bluray of Chris Botti at Boston, what a sonic inspiration. I can't wait for the speakers to settle in and then really enjoy the sound...I can't wait to use the Pioneer to truly set the soundstage and get the delays, the balance, and the presence set for the entire system.

Unknowingly, I started a religious war on asking a question about the speakers burn in (didn't know this was taboo, like asking what oil to use in a motorcycle on other forums) It does however make sense that the materials used in anything new require some period of time to break in, settle in, or burn in. So, I am running the Mini-T' as much as I can to get them a little loosed up to then enjoy some rather louder music.

Finally, I am just in ‘AWE’ of the incredible sound, clarity, and how the Mini-T’s immediately blended without any adjustment or modifications, I can only imagine what these speakers will do and will sound once they settle in and get configured to harmoniously integrate all the pieces to make an incredible audio and video dream...

I currently have roughly 20 hours on the speakers and they appear to be presenting a well-rounded sound, going to watch Black Hawk Down this afternoon and see how that sounds...

Joe Schmoe
Senior Member
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: New Bryston Active Speaker Dealer

January 2017

Hi Folks,

I am very pleased to announce a dedicated Bryston Active Speaker Dealer.

Welcome to: ‘Pulsworks Audio Arts in Saskatoon, SK’


David will have a fully active Bryston system on display consisting of the following:

• Bryston Model T Active Speakers.

• Bryston BAX 3-way Active Digital Crossover.

• Custom Bryston three channel amplifier per speaker.

Having a dedicated listening room to allow customers to hear how much better Active Speakers can sound is paramount and I thank David for his commitment to this concept.

In a market where customers are asking for more value added from their dealer the in home active Bryston speaker system is a perfect fit.

James Tanner
Hi Folks,

Just a note to update the progression of the impression, as well as, the break in period on my new Bryston Mini T Speakers.

The sound is getting richer, volume (technically gain) is increasing with no noticeable distortion, all instruments sound like they are right in front of me; as if being at a concert. Currently, I'm listening to the McIntosh SACD DSD demo on the Oppo. Each instrument can be singled out, the lows are low and the highs are high crisp and all of it is clear as a Caribbean scuba dive.

Seems like the speakers are loosening up and the sound is enveloping me and the room. The REL III has disappeared, still blending perfectly with the lows of the Mini-Ts. There is no harsh separation between them anymore.

It is sonic bliss!

Once, I save up another $1000 I'll re-wire my room with Blue Jean cables, I'll Bi-Amp my Mini-Ts. Turns out my Pioneer SC-65 is capable of this function if not running a 9.2 set up; which I'm not nor plan too. So Bi-Amp and a 7.1 set up will be my final configuration for a while until my wallet heals...

So thank you, Ivan you were spot on with your assessment of my audio gear and it working well with the Mini-Ts...

Joe Schmoe
Senior Member

Pioneer SC-65 (as pre-amp), Anthem PVA-7, Bryston Mini-T Speakers, Sonus Faber Concertino Speakers, Sonus Faber Solo Center Channel Speaker, REL Stadium III Sub-Bass System, Oppo BDP-105 Blu-Ray, Synology DS412+, and Sonos.
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston A1 Speaker – Customer Feedback

February 2017

Hi James

Love the Bryston A1 speakers. They sound great! You guys did a great job developing these.

I had (EDIT) speakers before these but I think I did things a little backwards.

I purchased the (EDIT) speakers not expecting to change my system. My wife then suggested that I upgrade the rest of the stereo. After a lot of research, I then purchased the Bryston Pre-Amp and Power Amp. The (EDIT) speakers were very bright.

Then I purchased the Bryston A1 speakers and there was a noticeable improvement from first listening. The high frequency was improved and much better base and mid-range. Probably the better base and mid-range had as much to do with the improvement as anything else simply because I am hearing more of the music (at least that’s my thought and I am no expert.

I just know what I like in sound and what I don’t). I purchased the speakers at Audio Eden in Aurora. They were great to work with.

I had not experienced the “bright” sound before so I googled it on the internet and found that I was not the only person to fall into this trap. I tried all the simpler fixes such as interconnect cables etc. Finally decided that I needed to change the speakers.

Glad I did!

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini A – L.C.R. Review

June 2017


Bryston’s Mini A Bookshelf And AC-1 Micro Centre Channel

The Mighty Minis

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Many AV enthusiasts would agree that by far the most critical speakers in any home cinema setup would be the three speakers up front which consist of both left and right channels along with the center channel which anchors the sound to the image on screen. Some would argue that a subwoofer would be the most valued component in a system, but without these three channels performing to par, the entire shebang would be a total let down. After all, the main focus on sound when it comes to any movie would be to deliver intelligible dialogue, together with a detailed albeit powerful main score and effects for the entire film.

Bryston, a brand synonymous with delivering high powered, heavy hitting and “tank like” construction Hi-Fi equipment which are all revered in its own right, has also produced the AC-1 Micro which was specifically built to be a center channel to complement the Mini A bookshelf speakers. The Mini A’s which are known in the Hi-Fi realm for delivering transparent, detailed and highly enjoyable sound proves to be an excellent choice to be utilized in a home cinema setup when paired with the AC-1 Micro. The two speakers are quite well matched both in size, build and sonic characteristic as to be used as a system to line the front of your home cinema system.

The AC-1 micro is a two way design speaker utilizing 3 drivers. A single 1 inch tweeter paired up with dual 5.25 inch mid-bass woofers. The entire cabinet of the speaker is rather diminutive at a width of 17 inches and a height of 7.5 inches. It’s also worth noting that the AC-1 Micro is a sealed design with only the speaker terminals at the back, making the speaker a lot more forgiving when it comes to placement and positioning. The cabinet also matches the aesthetics of the Mini A bookshelf’s, employing the same chamfered edges, lining the longest side of the speaker which in the case of the AC-1 runs perpendicular to the Mini A for a somewhat coherent look.

The front and rear of the Bryston Mini A. Note the bi-wirable speaker terminals and unique bass port the latter designed to minimise low frequency chaffing

The front and rear of the Bryston Mini A. Note the bi-wirable speaker terminals and unique bass port the latter designed to minimise low frequency chaffing

Unlike the Mini A with its lower 87 dB sensitivity, the AC-1 is a little more sensitive with a higher rating of 90 dB. It is also a little more powerful with a maximum handling ability of 200 watts. Irrespective of these specifications, the AC-1 is a perfect complement to the Mini A especially when used in a multichannel home theater setup. Even though different when it comes to their driver configuration as well as their driver dimensions, the individual characteristics of these speakers come together to create a complete cohesive image.

The mini A which is a 3 way design speaker and is ported at the rear, work wonderfully to deliver a full bodied, weighty sound which is in stark contrast to their smallish size. Bass response is also particularly good with the rear ports of the Mini A effectively going deep without bloating or muddling the sound. Overall the 3 speakers work together seamlessly handling sharp dynamic shifts well, while keeping each particular sound in the right place at the right levels. The sense of scale and authority that these little boxes are capable of is pretty impressive as they are capable of filling a large room with sound effortlessly.

These little wonders from Bryston are a titanic step up in performance when compared to the usual home theater in a box solutions as well as even most basic separates systems.

The asking price for the Mini A and the AC-1 might seem like a sizeable sum, but when you take into account the solid build, high performance and ridiculously confident warranty, the Bryston speakers do come off as a pairing of great value. The pedigree that Bryston delivers with the Mini A and AC-1 suggests that these speakers are also capable of lasting through a number of receiver upgrades before needing to be swapped out themselves as the extent of their abilities are pretty far reaching.

This combo is one that is designed to deliver astonishing performance at a great value in a package that’s small yet pleasing to the eyes.

Article by Venoth Nair
Hi James

Have had the Model T Mini speakers for over a year now; used with tube amps.

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I very much like these for classic/jazz and large scale vocal performances.

I am 71 years of age and have had many speakers over the years. I never lost my love and appreciation for the venerable AR 3a. So much has come and gone from my little gray cells- but the sound of that speaker system will always be with me- especially its understated and accurate bass.

Those (not so mini) T's come very close in many respects.

Thanks for providing a great speaker system reasonably priced!

Thank you
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini T Speaker – Customer Feedback

July 2017

Hi Folks,

My new Bryston Mini T speakers arrived earlier today and playing solo piano and guitar CDs most of the day, however I did sneak in some Sinatra/Jobim.

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Damn impressive right outta the box.

Nice soundstage and smooth highs, which I am sure will improve with time.

Well done Bryston.


After almost a week and 35 or so hours on these bad boys, gotta say:


They sound great with my MA6600. Could not be happier with this addition. They continue to impress with every listen.

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini T Speakers – Customer Feedback

August 2017

Re: Bryston Loudspeakers


Run...don't walk to your nearest dealer and pick up a pair of the Bryston Mini-T speakers.

Mini T's on MR 60 Stands - Home.jpg

Mini T Speakers on
Target MR Custom Stands

I am truly amazed at how good these speakers are!

There is NOTHING anywhere near their price point that comes close, IMHO.

Bryston Model T passive speaker review, October 16, 2017

Last winter, I was in the market to purchase an entirely new HiFi sound system to upgrade from what I have had for many years. My vintage walnut veneer tower speakers purchased new in 1975 were about due for replacement. I loved everything about the my old speakers, the look in real wood veneer, the performance and how much dynamic power they put out to fill my rather large room. And just to put the size of the room into perspective; my living room is approximately 25 feet wide, 30 feet long, the ceiling is a vaulted 18 foot high mostly glass wall to the east with a upper level balcony to the western side overhanging a 14 foot wide stone fireplace with two rooms above the living room looking down to the main space. The north side of the room is the staircase going up to the balcony and houses the area under it with the sound system equipment and finally the southern wall is a blend of library cabinets, French doors to the outside deck and an open area leading to the back door and kitchen area. In other words, it’s a large area with a lot of irregularities and of course I should mention wide pine wood floors.

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I had listened to a pair of relatively new trapezoid shaped tower speakers offered by one of the predominantly subwoofer based companies and the Bryston Middle T’s. The Middle T’s were superior sounding, but I decided to try the ‘value’ speakers at less than half the price of the Bryston’s. After using them for a few months, I was having some issues with my power amplifier going into over temperature protection mode on several occasions and I decide that the value speakers were too problematic for my taste. The one speaker causing my problems was replaced by the manufacturer under warranty and I sold them right afterwards.

I brought home a pair of Middle T’s on demo while working out my issues with the other speakers with the manufacturer for warranty replacement and was able to do a direct comparison test of the Middle T’s and my ‘value’ speakers in my very large room. Although the Middle T sounded a little better in the demo studio, they sounded immensely superior in home with this very large room. They put out so much forceful dynamic power; with virtually no distortion (they do run at 4 ohms vs. 8 ohms with the other speaker) the difference was quite remarkable.
After using the Middle T’s for a period of time, I was sold on them; they are perfect for my room, my listening preferences and the overall performance in terms of the sound stage and detail they present. The only nagging thought overhanging me was should I buy these or opt for the even larger Model T. After speaking with a number of people who were familiar with both speakers, it seemed like it was going to be a tough decision as I was told that the Model T is a lot of speaker for some rooms, perhaps too much. In fact one opinion from a guy I know who has both speakers was that he preferred the Middle T as his room is considerably smaller than mine. He felt the Model T overpowered his space and it was almost muddy sounding.

I spoke with James Tanner on this subject and he felt that based on my large area, I would really benefit from the larger Model T. As such, I decided to pull the trigger on buying a pair of Model T’s and brought in a pair of Rosewood passive Model T’s from a friend of mine who was downsizing his holdings. I set them up in the exact position which the Middle T’s were stationed and within 5 minutes of use, I just knew these were the speaker! The dynamic power and sound stage of music is nothing short of amazing in my room. All frequency ranges just plain old worked; I was finding myself listening to the same music multiple times just to confirm that what I was hearing was real. The low end is so powerful that I don’t feel any need to replace a second subwoofer which had failed earlier on; the single sub is completely adequate to round out the room acoustics. If anything, I would most likely bring in a sub from Bryston to meld with the Model T’s.

I did make one very interesting observation concerning use with my VPI Ares 3 turntable. With the value speakers, I always was running into problems with excessive low frequency feedback and was finding myself dialing back the bass response to eliminate the annoyance. However, with the Bryston Model T’s, it makes no difference as to what the low frequency level is set at or how loud I play the music, there is virtually no and I mean no low frequency feedback getting back through the turntable. I suspect this is a question for James Tanner to address as to why, but from what I might suggest, it means that there are very minimal, if any low frequency distortion products from the Model T vs. the value speaker.

Overall, I’d not dissuade anyone from buying a Middle T, it’s a pure delight to listen to, however if you have a larger area, go for the Model T, it’s worth every penny for what it is capable of producing for raw/refined, beautiful power. And how do they look? Well as much as I loved my vintage walnut speakers, I just cannot take my eyes off of the Bryston’s, especially in Santos Rosewood; stunning. So simply designed and done with taste.
Senior Member

I Love my not so Mini T speakers.

Continue to be amazed how good they pair with my McIntosh integrated. Soundstage is incredible and no need for sub, at least in my environment.

Cannot compehend ANY speaker at this price point sounding better.

This was my first Bryston purchase and a s much as I am a true McIntosh devotee, I may have to try a few Bryston electronics in the future. I am really impressed.
SimAudio MoonNeo 260DT & Sony PCM-R500---MC D100---MA6600---Bryston Mini T
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Model T Signature Speakers – Customer Feedback

November 2017

Hi James,

I just wanted to personally thank you for developing such a wonderful speaker.

My new Bryston Model T Signatures are much improved over my original Model T passives.

The veneer is gorgeous, and they sound tighter, more resolving and much more dynamic.

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Right now, my electronics are Bryston BDA-3 DAC to BP-26 preamp to 7B3 Mono Amps to Model T Signature speakers.

I’ve been talking with Mark Jones about upgrading to two more 4B3 amps and a Bryston BAX-1 Digital Active Crossover.

I’m sure the next upgrade to Active will be a huge improvement as well.

Thanks again and have a great weekend.

John Toles

I don’t have nearly as elegant a system as that above, but I wanted to add my thanks and praise for developing such great products.

I just bought a pair of Mini T’s from Audio Alternative in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

I’ve had them for a week now and all I can say is, “WOW!”

They replaced speakers I’ve had for 20 years. I thought I knew my music collection, but these speakers really bring out elements I’ve not heard before. They complete an almost all-Bryston system: BDP-1, BDA-1, BIT 15, 4BSST2, and a BP-26 and MPS-2.

I think it’s a pretty good system! Most people who I’ve played something for agree.

The most common reaction has been, “You’ve got to be kidding!”

Thanks again.

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Audio Concepts – Dealer Feedback

December 2017

James, customer FINALLY hooked up 28B-Cube to his Bryston Model-T speakers.

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He is getting rid of his McIntosh gear on his other systems. I just had the most positive conversation I've had in a while. He is waiting for me to get him a final price on a Bryston full active system.

Thanks for letting me sell those amazing heavy black objects you designed to a very happy man.
