Music from a farther room

Hello All = I am moving from a system comprised of Shindo D'Yquem amps/Vosnee-Romanee pre/Devore O96 speakers to a Viola Lab Symphony amp/Crescendo pre and Raidho 2.1's. While the Shindo/Devore setup conveyed lovely tonality and emotion and was extremely captivating, ultimately I found it to be a two-dimensional, smaller soundstage than I am desiring. My hope is that the Viola/Raidho pairing will bring the same beautiful tonality with more layering, depth, larger soundstage. Any thoughts or advice are greatly appreciated!
Speaker placement is critical. 9' or 3M apart is a great starting point and toed in pointing to your shoulders. You don't need to sit too far back - maybe 7' or just over 2M. So they can be kind of be considered a nearfield speaker. Farther away is also very good. My D2's are 1M from the back wall to the tweeter (farther is better but I have no more room to give up). Closest side wall is just under 2M. I have a difficult room. One thing I love about the D series is the little to no room treatments are needed. Raidho recommends those twigs from Ikea for a little dispersion.

Congrats on the Viola/D2.1's and welcome to the forum of friendly Sharks
Thank you for the replies, gentlemen! The Devore's may have been "too much" speaker for my 13x12x8 listening room. And when a local dealer came over with Kharma db7's driven by Viola Labs gear I was blown away! Much bigger soundstage, detail/layering, depth, and exquisite tonality equaling the Shindo/Devore setup. Unfortunately, the ride to making a deal was too bumpy for my taste so I had to pass on the Kharma's. It was on this forum that I was lead to Raidho and am hopeful that it will deliver what I seek, sonically speaking. While waiting for my D2.1's to arrive, I experimented by connecting the Shindo amps and pre to an old pair of B&W CDM 1NT monitors and when played at moderate volume a tonally rich and detailed sound was revealed. The Shindo mono blocs are parallel 300b 18wpc. On the Raidho website it mentions that the D2.1's can be driven by lower wattage tube amps. I am curious about doing a contrast and compare between Viola and Shindo. Has anyone paired SET amps with Raidho speakers? Is there any potential harm to the amps, pre or D2.1's doing so?
I've had the opportunity to drive Raidho loudspeakers with many different typologies of amplifiers. Through the course of that my opinion has remained unchanged. I prefer solid state amplification. It is true that you can drive the speakers with tube power amps and do so with excellent results but higher power units are preferable (>50 watts per channel). The risk with low power amplifiers revolves around the possibility of over-driving them into clipping with one possible resulting outcome being loudspeaker damage.
Thanks, Kiwi. As I listen mostly at a "moderate" volume level, 90db or less, would that still put speakers at risk? Any chance of chatting with you by by phone?

Best, Michael
Thanks, Kiwi. As I listen mostly at a "moderate" volume level, 90db or less, would that still put speakers at risk? Any chance of chatting with you by by phone?

Best, Michael

Hi Michael,

I don't recommend selecting a low power amplifier for your Raidho loudspeakers and below I explain why.

The most difficult test of an audio system is a full symphony orchestra. No other type of music can stress it to the same degree. So when evaluating the performance of an audio system, I always want to hear full symphony. Of course, I listen to other music as well, but if you must pick the most revealing and difficult music, a symphony orchestra recording is essential.

How much power is needed to play orchestral peaks cleanly and without clipping an amplifier?

The answer is a surprising amount.

While most of your listening may be a moderate levels, 90dB or less (which only requires a 20 wpc amplifier for loudspeakers of average sensitivity) – a sudden whack on a timpani or strike of a hammer on a grand piano can produce a transient that is 10dB or greater and that requires 10x more power to cleanly reproduce. Do remember that in actual performance a full orchestra and chorus in a concert hall can measure 106 dB!

It is important to select an amplifier that is sufficiently powerful to play your music cleanly. If you don’t your system will be compromised because your amplifier will have compressed dynamics, sound strained, constricted, dull & muddy and will lose detail and exhibit higher levels of distortion.

To sum up, I don’t think 18 watt Shindo mono blocs are the best partners for your Raidho loudspeakers. Unfortunately time zone differences make a phone call problematic. Raidho does however have lots of great partners / dealers in the USA and I’m confident they could locally answer any queries you may have.
Thank you, Kiwi! I am in contact with a Raidho dealer from whom I purchased the D2.1's (which I should have in a week to ten days). Still, I am interested in conversing with Raidho "users," especially those that have D2.1's. I haven't read all your posts, so please forgive me if this has been covered, but have you had problems with the mid-bass hump that has been spoken of by several Raidho owners?
Thank you, Kiwi! I am in contact with a Raidho dealer from whom I purchased the D2.1's (which I should have in a week to ten days). Still, I am interested in conversing with Raidho "users," especially those that have D2.1's. I haven't read all your posts, so please forgive me if this has been covered, but have you had problems with the mid-bass hump that has been spoken of by several Raidho owners?

If you have a read of the first couple of pages in this thread you will find a number of in-room frequency response, RT30/60, ETC, waterfall and spectrogram graphs / plots in which Raidho speakers feature. I think the loudspeaker / room interface is of enormous importance if the aim is high fidelity to audio recordings. The graphs clearly demonstrate a mid-bass hump which is influenced by the loudspeakers and the room “talking back”.

Turning to your question, no, I don’t have a mid-bass problem. I did do, but as you can read in post #18

that was objectively addressed by moving my listening chair.
Well, we have moved back to our tropical home in Singapore and I finally got around to unpacking and installing my audio system. The system is the simplest I’ve owned in years – a CDP, integrated amplifier and pair of loudspeakers. There is something strangely satisfying and liberating about reducing box count and clutter.

I will write some more soon.

Well, we have moved back to our tropical home in Singapore and I finally got around to unpacking and installing my audio system. The system is the simplest I’ve owned in years – a CDP, integrated amplifier and pair of loudspeakers. There is something strangely satisfying and liberating about reducing box count and clutter.

I will write some more soon.


Ralph, what rack is that?

Is that the K-01x?

Great news !!! Looking mean and lean :congrats: When you have more time , please share more pics and details/upgrades... Hoping that you're now enjoying the Raidho D2.1 ;)

Thanks, Tom
Ralph, what rack is that?

Is that the K-01x?

Greetings Mike,

The rack is from Steve Blinn Designs (USA). It is constructed from lightweight anodized aluminum framing with shelving of solid maple which offers excellent resonance-dissipating properties. The footers are Nordost Sort Füt. The CDP is unchanged, an Esoteric K-03.


Great news !!! Looking mean and lean When you have more time , please share more pics and details/upgrades... Hoping that you're now enjoying the Raidho D2.1
Thanks, Tom

Hey Tom,

Yes, once I’ve unpacked a few more things we’ll happily share more pictures and details.
What are your first impressions of your Raidho D2.1 vs the D2?
Waiting to hear your feedback!
To Quantum or not to Quantum - that is the question?

One of the great opportunities that arise when moving or re-commissioning audio systems is the chance to retest previously held assumptions or prior experiences on the sonic benefit each system component offers. All too often audiophiles – myself included – simply continue to add to existing systems; more boxes, more cables etc. or upgrade a specific single component without really challenging whether the raison d'être of everything else is still valid.

This is precisely the position I found myself in recently when a move back to our tropical home in Singapore meant the unpacking and installation of my audio system. I deliberately opted to install the simplest base system possible; a CD player and integrated amplifier leashed up to a pair of Raidho loudspeakers. The CDP and amplifier were both connected to an Ansuz Mainz D8 distributor which in turn was connected to a wall socket and dedicated powerline to the room.

For many years I’ve had Nordost Quantum units employed in my stereo system and while I did not understand how these devices worked – they nonetheless made a wonderful contribution to the perceived soundstage. Given the more recent introduction of the Ansuz Mainz D8 distributor and Ansuz Sparkz TC conditioners I wondered whether I still needed the Nordost Quantum Qx2 and Qx4 devices and I decided to give them a chance to once again fight for their place in my equipment rack.


Photo: Bottom shelf of equipment rack with Ansuz distributor and Nordost Quantums QX2 & QX4

The evaluation would compare a straight forward setup of a power cord straight to the distributor vs. a more complex set up of a power cord to a Nordost Quantum QX2 daisy chained to a Nordost Quantum QX4 which in turn is connected to the Ansuz Mainz D8 and two test tracks would be used; Bat out of Hell from Meat Loaf’s 3 Bats Live Album and The Last of the Privateers from Allan Taylors Leaving at Dawn Album. The first track presents something of a nightmare for most audio systems; recorded live on March 14, 2007 in London, Ontario, Canada – its complex, messy, not well recorded [transcribed from a DVD] and about as far as one can get from a typical “audiophile recording” but reproduced well it is energetic, fun, theatric and overwhelmingly live – with a massive encompassing soundstage. The second track is typical from the Stockfisch label, the standard of engineering is exemplary, SACD at its very finest, the resolution and micro detail is startling as is the depth of soundstage for some of the percussive elements.

Before sharing my results I would be interested to hear from any reader who has tried the Quantum's in their system. Please post below and let us know your observations!

If you are inclined and have the time, please share any updates to your system.... Thanks, in advance. Happy New Year !!!

All the best, Tom

If you are inclined and have the time, please share any updates to your system.... Thanks, in advance. Happy New Year !!!

All the best, Tom

Tom, Thanks for the note and so sorry for the delay in reply. I have not updated my system thread in a while and I hope to do so once we get through the Chinese New Year holidays.

All the best

First of all....congrats for your sistem.
I wonder if you can guide me to find the producer of the micro block diffuzer.
I also sent you a private message about that.
Any info will be apreciated.
Thank you.