Nord One Up Ncore NC500 amps, Class D ready for prime time .....

Not just a Hypex shootout, Marty has AR, Rogue, and Parasound for comparisons as well. We look forward to Marty's impressions of the Nord NC 500/SI994.
A few years ago I built a pair of NCore 400 monos with all upgraded components.

I sold them for a Job 225. After living with the Job, I realized I missed what the NCores brought to the table. So did I build another pair? Nope...I bought a Modwright KWI-200 integrated. After living with the MW, I still missed the NCores. Anyway after a few other tries with amps, I just ordered the Nords from Colin with the new boards and the 994 opamps.

Should have them by the end of next week!

Congrats Randy, I am happy to see the Nord love around here.
A few years ago I built a pair of NCore 400 monos with all upgraded components.

I sold them for a Job 225. After living with the Job, I realized I missed what the NCores brought to the table. So did I build another pair? Nope...I bought a Modwright KWI-200 integrated. After living with the MW, I still missed the NCores. Anyway after a few other tries with amps, I just ordered the Nords from Colin with the new boards and the 994 opamps.

Should have them by the end of next week!


Coloration's get old after a while. The NC400's are brutally transparent and for some people it's too much and can give the impression of being dry and cold. I find the NC500's with the SIL994's at minimum match the nc400's in transparency, yet sound more natural and non fatiguing. Is this because of coloration's, or euphoric distortions? If it is you would never know it by measurements. My NC500 build with the SIL994's measured even better than the NC400's!
Link to measurements ...?

I haven't seen Colin's measurements yet. But here's the THD+N of some prototype boards based on the 994's I built:

How much heat do these amplifiers generate at idle and while operating? I know that is a somewhat subjective question unless someone has actually measured case temperature with a thermometer or thermocouple via multi-meter.

Since the heat sinks on the amplifiers are not large I will assume case temperature is a relatively good assessment of heat produced. How warm are the cases to touch? At least that would give me an idea.
How much heat do these amplifiers generate at idle and while operating? I know that is a somewhat subjective question unless someone has actually measured case temperature with a thermometer or thermocouple via multi-meter.

Since the heat sinks on the amplifiers are not large I will assume case temperature is a relatively good assessment of heat produced. How warm are the cases to touch? At least that would give me an idea.

They are the coolest running amps I've ever encountered. Cooler than even the NC400's. After hours of high SPL output my cases are barely warm to the touch. For example when I tried them on the Martin Logan Ascent 2's that drop down to 1.2 ohms, I didn't even have them in a case. The amp modules were just sitting on the floor with no heatsink. After 30 of listening at levels where I thought the electrostatic panels were going to rip to shreds at any time, I could hold the amp modules in my hand without getting burnt.

Thank you for the information. I saw this on the Nord website and did not quite know how to interpret the subjective words (emphasized).

Regarding the case:

"All 280mm deep and are designed for optimal airflow, air is sucked from the bottom vents across the modules and out of the top vents. As cool as the modules run they still produce a fair amount of heat. The layout ensures optimum cooling and module reliability."

My usage would never be as brutal as what you just reported. :amazing:
I'm seriously tempted to buy one of these amps. What are you guys using for preamps? Any models or brands that seem to work better with the Nords than others?

Also: anyone have the chance to compare the Nord to Benchmark's AHB2? They seem to be somewhat comparable... size, price, and performance-wise. AHB2 has a lot of reviews saying how neutral and low noise it is, kind of like Ncore, but using a different technology.
Since you're the first one who's tried both and has said this, it really makes me wonder if you got faulty boards.

Maybe ask Colin to send you some of the Hypex input boards to compare.

However if you sell them, let me know who the buyer is. I'll send him some of my boards to compare with them.
I mentioned my concerns with Colin. Fell on deaf ears. I trust my ears and my system and the Hypex NC400 are the winners in this arena.