I haven’t worn a watch for decades…
Way back when I was a teenager, the first digital watch appeared. James Bond wore one in “Live and Let die”, and Bill Bixby wore one in a TV show “the Magician.” I worked at the Worlds Fair in Spokane, WA (Expo 74) and was a senior in high school. I saved my $$ and paid $300 for a “Pulsar.” My foster mom at the time really laid into me for spending that kind of money on a watch “you’ll never be able to afford nice things” she said in the most demeaning way possible. That really took some of the joy out of it!
So around early December I noticed the watch is being remade. I got a serious jones for it, had it as a tab in my browser window for a couple weeks. I have a wee-bit more impulse control these days—should I buy one? No, “just a frivolous purchase for nostalgia’s sake” I told myself, and “you don’t even wear a watch.” Yeah, but its so cool and retro. Finally I closed the browser tab and forgot about it. My more practical side had won out.
But, my sweet wife paid attention and under the tree on Christmas morning I got a big surprise.