Vitus SCD-025 inbound!

Has anyone tried the Furutech Lineflux that Vitus used at the High End 2015
I know the flagship Furutech cables are regarded as great value in high end terms & punch well above their weight. I haven't used them in my system, so I can't comment on their sound, though i'm sure someone will chime in. If I was on more of a budget, they would be high up on my list!
So I have to get Jorma, Furutech and Purist Audio Design to my home at the same time (or at all). Fun Task.
So I have to get Jorma, Furutech and Purist Audio Design to my home at the same time (or at all). Fun Task.
Gathering opinions on forums is a good starting point to give you some ideas. Swapping out cables in a Dealer's system is also useful (assuming they're auditioned on neutral, reference type gear), but ultimately there is no substitute for testing cables in your system. That's the only way you'll know for sure.
Mellbguy1, Great choice on the Furutech FI-52 NCF's. Absolutely fantastic. Don't underestimate some of their bulk cable choices, especially the new one @$425 per meter. You wonder if you want to pay for the fancy bags, wood boxes and endless advertising or just a great cable...
Mellbguy1, Great choice on the Furutech FI-52 NCF's. Absolutely fantastic. Don't underestimate some of their bulk cable choices, especially the new one @$425 per meter. You wonder if you want to pay for the fancy bags, wood boxes and endless advertising or just a great cable...
Yeah they're awesome connectors, though the cryo'd Oyaide M1/F1 connectors from VH Audio aren't slouches either ;). I certainly wouldn't underestimate Furutech's flagship bulk wire, though i'd probably buy the finished cables as you know a company like Furutech is going to do a perfect job terminating the wire as they stake their reputation on them. Would I swap out my Jorma Prime & Statement cables for Furutech Nano Flux cables? Probably not. Marten use Jorma cables to internally wire their speakers..the Supreme 2's use 60 meters of Jorma Statement! And those speakers are awesome.
Well, I tried the Jorma Unity XLR between SCD-025 and SIA-025 and it is a great calbe, great flow of music. But I am going to keep the Aural Symphonics chronos b2 XLR. It is more open with a very airy top end.
Yesterday I ordered 8 Stillpoints Ultra SS for SCD-025 and SIA-025. Any tips were to place the feet under the player and amp?
Well, I tried the Jorma Unity XLR between SCD-025 and SIA-025 and it is a great calbe, great flow of music. But I am going to keep the Aural Symphonics chronos b2 XLR. It is more open with a very airy top end.
Yesterday I ordered 8 Stillpoints Ultra SS for SCD-025 and SIA-025. Any tips were to place the feet under the player and amp?
Thanks for posting your impressions of the Jorma cables. That shows there is no substitute for testing cables in your system to know if you're going forwards or backwards.

With the Stillpoints feet, HOV recommended using 3 feet under the SCD-025 which is preferable for the transport as that arrangement is inherently more stable. I place two feet at the back, and one foot under the middle of the transport mechanism (see attached pic). For the amp, I place the four Stillpoints bang in the center of the 4 screws connecting the transport to the bottom of the chassis (see pic below). The reason being, that is the noisiest part of the chassis and where you want your isolation feet.

With that said, i'm just slightly hesitant recommending that positioning for the Ultra SS feet as they are not as wide or inherently stable as the Ultra 6's. So my recommendation is to definitely try that arrangement. If the amp is stable and is sitting solidly on the Ultra SS feet, your job is done. The chunky chassis can handle the overhang. If there is any instability with this arrangement, i'd revert to moving the four feet to just inside the four factory feet. Have fun! :)




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Well, Stillpoints Ultra SS are now under SCD025 and SIA025. More dynamics, better 3D imaging, better bass. Much different than the Shun Mook Diamond Resonators. What is the difference between Ultra SS and Ultra 6? Did anyone compare them?

I had the opportunity to use the Goebel High End Lacorde Statement XLR cable. It is the best cable I ever heared, and the most expensive (6000,- Euro listprice). I have the opportunity to buy a used Purist Audio Designs Neptune. But I have never heared one. When I do not like it, I will have to sell it again. This may be difficult here in Germany.
Well, Stillpoints Ultra SS are now under SCD025 and SIA025. More dynamics, better 3D imaging, better bass. Much different than the Shun Mook Diamond Resonators. What is the difference between Ultra SS and Ultra 6? Did anyone compare them?

I had the opportunity to use the Goebel High End Lacorde Statement XLR cable. It is the best cable I ever heared, and the most expensive (6000,- Euro listprice). I have the opportunity to buy a used Purist Audio Designs Neptune. But I have never heared one. When I do not like it, I will have to sell it again. This may be difficult here in Germany.
That's great feedback following your installation of the Ultra SS feet. I haven't directly compared the Ultra SS feet to the Ultra 6's, but I have compared the Ultra 5's to the Ultra 6's under my Vitus gear; The Ultra 5's have a bit more bass, but everything seems a bit more settled with the Ultra 6's. By that I mean, there is more clarity and musicality. Transients seem less blurred and no frequency extremes stand out. They seem to create a better balanced sound field (vs Ultra 5's). The design of the Ultra 6's is opitimized for placement under amps and front end components, with 5 of the 6 'technology pockets' directly contacting the connected component, with the other technology pocket on the opposite side of the foot where the Ultra base connects. My feeling is the Ultra 5's were never really in their optimal operating weight range under my SIA-025 & old Aesthetix Romulus spinner. Of course, that wont be the case with your Ultra SS feet.

Btw, I use Ultra Mini's under my Oppo player & they're terrific. The Ultra SS are better again under slightly heavier components like the SCD-025Mk2. So mainly what the Ultra 6's will give you is more technology pockets covering a larger area, greater stability (wider contact area), an extra technology pocket on the bottom which removes any residual resonance before it can get to the ultra base & nicer looks. The design (with the technology pockets directly contacting the component) is likely more effective, but i'm only speculating. The only downside is they're $$.

Paul (Pweg) is the guy to talk to on this forum about the PAD Neptune cables as he owns atleast one pair. A guy who's ear I trust told me around that price range there is nothing to touch them. Neptune is great value, but for sure if you want to spend $10-12kUS on a 1.0mtr pair of xlr's, there are better cables. Even cables like Kubala Sosna Emotion should be better. I'm buying a pair of Neptune xlr's for my Oppo UDP-205. Slight overkill at first, but I plan to get some Dan Wright mods later on.
I have put Ultra SS's under my amps (Triode 300b monos) and Ultra 6's under my Esoteric Grandioso K1.

The Ultra 6's offer great resonance dissipation properties.

The improvement in my system was significant. Tighter bass. Better resolution.

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Any recomendations for a mini network player in combination with the USB Input of the SCD-025 Mk2? Has to work with all formats, 32bit/384kHz and DSD128 (without conversion to PCM). I am thinking about something small like SOTM SMS200, Project STREAM BOX S2 Ultra or Auralic Aries mini. Any experiences regarding the compatibility with the SCD-025? Thanks.
Get the SOtM-sMS200Ultra. Great all in one soulution. You can add the SOtM sPS-500 power supply at a later date to improve it even further.