So how old is your "oldest" component?

In my shop I have a Marantz 2230 with mahogany case from 1972-74. Feels like a time warp each time I turn it on. I have only owned it for 15 years or so but purchased it for the nostalgia. It plays through a pair of Radio Shack Minimus 7 speakers. I have a pair of Spica TC50's in storage that still sound amazing for what they were and cost.
Since I replaced my original Momentum pre-amp with the new HD version my oldest piece of gear is now my Alexandria X2 S2's.
Both my Empire 298 Turntable from 1962 and my HH Scott Stereomaster 272 from either 1961 or '62, not sure which.
So how old is your "oldest" component?

Audio Research SP-11, circa 1987. Getting ready to compare it to my ARC LS27 that's been running in my downstairs setup for the past 5 months. Should be an interesting comparison for me. Both are excellent sounding preamplifiers.
One that I use as my main source component is my Ampex ATR-102 tape machine which dates from the late '70's, a bit older than my 40 year old daughter. My other ATR-102 dates from the same period, although I only use it for dubbing tapes. My prize collection of 200 reels of safety master tapes dates from the late '70's to late '80's. Next oldest, again in very frequent use when I am digitizing my analogue collection is my Pacific Microsonics Model Two which dates from the late '90's to about 2000. That puts it around the same age as my Avantgarde Duo speakers and Cary 2A3 Monoblock SET amps which drive them. I bought all of these used, starting about 12 years ago.

I guess my speakers,RTR model 10's I think they're from 74 or 75.
. Yes she’s my wife, and she cook’s too! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Let me know if you ever get divorced.:sneaky:
Hello all. While "technically" not a component in the main rig or secondary rig, it is the oldest.

It is on route (being shipped) to the house as I type this. It is a 1923 Stewart Warner tubed radio, Model 300.

I thought it would be a cool piece of kit to be displayed in the stereo room.

Hello all. While "technically" not a component in the main rig or secondary rig, it is the oldest.

It is on route (being shipped) to the house as I type this. It is a 1923 Stewart Warner tubed radio, Model 300.

I thought it would be a cool piece of kit to be displayed in the stereo room.

Well, that beats me by 40 years!
the oldest component in my system is also the best sounding one; the MR 70 tape preamps, from 1965. 4 of them. they are hot rodded. they do use Nuvistor tubes from 1965.

the second oldest component in my system are my two Ampex ATR-102 tape decks joined to the MR 70 preamps, from 1976, they are also both hot rodded.
My Akai GX-400D R-R in silver/black w/blue VU meters (#185 of 200 made) which I purchased in 1974 on Okinawa & had the heads relapped by JRF Magnetic Scientifics a few years ago.

Best to all,

Let's see. Currently in operation...

Pioneer RT-1020L - 1974
Technics SL-1700MK2 - 1979
Nakamichi 582 - 1979

Needs a little work (belts & re-cap)
JVC KD-A8 - 1980
Yamaha K-1020 - 1985
My previous turntable, a Basis Debut Gold Standard with vacuum partnered with a Graham 2.2 tonearm, was purchased in 1998 (tonearm updated in 2002). It has recently found a new home.