Onkyo Steps Up to the Plate!


Active member
Dec 4, 2013
As some of you know, my home theater system is separate from my stereo system and they are located in different parts of my house. My AVR is the Onkyo TX-NR3010. Late last week, I lost audio from all channels. The AVR stayed powered up, but there was no sound. I had no choice but to pull it out of my system while I figured out what do with regards to getting this beast repaired. In the meantime, I went to the local HHGregg over the weekend and bought a Sony STR-DN850 to hold me over.

I told a friend of mine about my Onkyo and he happened to see a thread on AVS where he noticed that Onkyo had a recall notice published for certain AVRs because of one or all channels dropping out. He sent me the link and I typed in my serial number and Onkyo said my receiver was covered. They sent me an email to let me know they are shipping me a box to return the receiver to them and it will come with a prepaid shipping label to ship the receiver back to them. Onkyo is going to repair the receiver free of charge and return it to me. You can't ask for much better service than that.
That is great service!

I had a similar experience this week. I had a driver go in one of my speakers last Friday afternoon. I called my dealer at about 2:00PM Chicago time and told him. Sumiko/ Fine Sounds had a matched replacement driver to my dealer by Monday afternoon and my dealer had it installed by Monday night.

My speaker isn't even produced any longer. When I heard it go, first thing that went through my mind was, damn, this is gonna be a long time getting fixed. But Sumiko stocked The Sonus Faber replacement drivers in California and reacted quickly. Great service.
I had a relay go out on my Parasound A21 amp. Parasound sent out a new shipping box for free and returned my amp in a 2 week span and sent me a Parasound long sleeve shirt to boot.
We need to tell 'the good' when it happens because we damn sure 'tell the bad' when it happens.
Well, since the thread appears to have drifted to generic customer service stories, then I will add mine, and it is a positive experience. I will leave the freaking Sony story for another time.

When I first got my Pass X600.5 amps I plugged both into my Shunyata Triton, along with everything else. One night (Friday) I am playing the stereo loud (do we notice a common theme here), and the 20 amp breaker on the Triton trips. After I reset it, and turned the amps on, the Triton started making a horrible vibration sound once the Pass amps reached max idle current. While it worked, the noise was unbearable. I contacted Shunyata and they had UPS come to the house and pick it up. They fixed it in a day, and Caelin Gabriel contacted me to describe the issue. When I received it back, they had also included a set of their spikes, and my total cost was $0.00.
Well, since the thread appears to have drifted to generic customer service stories, then I will add mine, and it is a positive experience. I will leave the freaking Sony story for another time.

When I first got my Pass X600.5 amps I plugged both into my Shunyata Triton, along with everything else. One night (Friday) I am playing the stereo loud (do we notice a common theme here), and the 20 amp breaker on the Triton trips. After I reset it, and turned the amps on, the Triton started making a horrible vibration sound once the Pass amps reached max idle current. While it worked, the noise was unbearable. I contacted Shunyata and they had UPS come to the house and pick it up. They fixed it in a day, and Caelin Gabriel contacted me to describe the issue. When I received it back, they had also included a set of their spikes, and my total cost was $0.00.

Why Bud, yes, we do notice a trend going on here. It appears you like to get pasted and then crank up your system until something smokes or coughs up a voice coil. :)
LOL. Close, but no cigar. I try to play music as it was intended to be played. In doing so I have been uncovering design flaws in some pieces of gear. I think when I retire I will be a part-time contractor as a QA engineer for audio equipment. It is better for a manufacture to fix these issues before release than have to fix them after a release.

Anyway, now that the weak spots have been fixed, thank you Caelin and Alon, everything is fine. :)
So I started this thread on Jan 28 and mentioned that Onkyo was sending me a box to ship my AVR back for repair. On Jan 30 (which was last Friday) the box was on my door when I came home from work. Inside the box was a plastic bag to slip the AVR inside, a roll of tape to reseal the box, packing material to hold the AVR perfectly in place inside the box, and a prepaid FedEx shipping label. I packed the AVR this past Monday (Feb 2) and took it to FedEx to ship it back. I came home from work on Thursday (Feb 5) and a note was on my door from FedEx stating they had attempted delivery of my AVR. How's that for service?
So I started this thread on Jan 28 and mentioned that Onkyo was sending me a box to ship my AVR back for repair. On Jan 30 (which was last Friday) the box was on my door when I came home from work. Inside the box was a plastic bag to slip the AVR inside, a roll of tape to reseal the box, packing material to hold the AVR perfectly in place inside the box, and a prepaid FedEx shipping label. I packed the AVR this past Monday (Feb 2) and took it to FedEx to ship it back. I came home from work on Thursday (Feb 5) and a note was on my door from FedEx stating they had attempted delivery of my AVR. How's that for service?

Did you send it overnight? That is almost too fast, they receive it on the 3rd, fix it, ship it on the 4th, and you receive it on the 5th.

As a side-note, I wish all vendors would supply a tracking number when shipping an item, especially if a signature is required. While many do, there are some who don't, and it is frustrating to come home and find that sticker on the door. At least Fed-Ex lets you have the package held at a facility for you to pickup. UPS charges for that option.
"I" didn't send it overnight. I just put the prepaid shipping label on the box they gave me. I don't have a penny in this repair. It was totally paid by Onkyo. You simply can't ask for more than that.
"I" didn't send it overnight. I just put the prepaid shipping label on the box they gave me. I don't have a penny in this repair. It was totally paid by Onkyo. You simply can't ask for more than that.

Outstanding! Glad to hear it went so well for you!
Outstanding! Glad to hear it went so well for you!

Thanks and I wish you a speedy recovery from your torn ACL. I ruptured a bicep tendon and that didn't go so well for me.