Mike loaned me a VAC preamp, modified? Renaissance III? ...

Congrats on your purchase.
In another thread about an Aesthetix Calypso preamp I pointed out that after hearing an Audio Horizons preamp in my system i recognized that the Calypso is/was noisy. Previously I was content with the sound. But once the flaw was identified there was no going back. So I totally understand your above post.
A friend has a very high end very dialed in system that I listen to occasionally. It gives me a reference standard as something to aim at. However there is no substitute for actually auditioning a piece of gear in your own system.
This VAC Renaissance III preamp is absolutely wonderful (I bet the new version 5 will be even better) on the Nord One Up amps. With the 994 op amps, the balance is wonderful.

Moral of the story? Don't just assume something will not work, you need to actually try a particular combo, listen, and decide for yourself how good/bad it sounds to you.

Love it! :scholar:
I'm really happy for you. I've been obsessing about the 200IQ amps and a new preamp, but I am a ways off from doing anything right now. Congratulations on the new gear.

Yes, hint taken! :D