'Zero Dark Thirty' | Science Fiction Flick


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
How many of you here saw that film? ... 'Zero Dark Thirty'

And what did you make of it?

* This should be a great piece of movie conversation, and all the jazz in it.
And before I jump right in myself, I'll wait till few comments erupt first. :)
Alright, I could be waiting a while before facts emerge here.

Osama Bin Laden died in 2001! ...This film is totally prefabricated, a pure sci-fi flick, a disruption of the real truth. ...An honest deception.

But hey, this is America, and this is Hollywood, and this is the government, and this is what this country is made of. And for what? ...To please the rest of us, the ones who are afflicted and deprived of knowledge.

That's what my take is, that is what I've read at many places, and that is what I also believe deeply, unfortunately.

There are a zillion of links online, so there is no use for me to post some; Bin Laden died in 2001
and Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent and all the lies by Bush, and all the cover ups ...

Films are a powerful tool sometimes to corroborate with a twisted and lying government, and also our convictions. ...I think that, among other things of course; better things, like the true cinematique art form.

It's a shame that some films are so out of touch with the real facts, and it doesn't help us at all, but the ones who benefit financially from all the lies, or without having their facts straights.
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Alright, I could be waiting a while before facts emerge here.

Obama Bin Laden died in 2001! ...This film is totally prefabricated, a pure sci-fi flick, a disruption of the real truth. ...An honest deception.

But hey, this is America, and this is Hollywood, and this is the government, and this is what this country is made of. And for what? ...To please the rest of us, the ones who are afflicted and deprived of knowledge.

That's what my take is, that is what I've read at many places, and that is what I also believe deeply, unfortunately.

There are a zillion of links online, so there is no use for me to post some; Bin Laden died in 2001

Films are a powerful tool to control our economy, and also our convictions. ...I think that, among other things of course; better things, like the true cinematique art form.

Check your watch Bob. This is April 17 not the 1st.

Ah, see Jim, you are also a believer of the masses. ...Of the infliction from the news media and the government and the FBI and the CIA and all the rest of the American jazz! :D

Bin Laden died a long time ago from internal physical failure.

Where is his body, anyone saw it? ...When they raid that bunkhouse? ...In the film, in real life, even from the special forces who were there?

You know what is the biggest life's travesty? ...Putting an even higher sticker to an already overloaded item.

What we now truly need here ares CIA agents that were directly implicated in this case back then, as registered members here at AudioShark, and who are totally free to speak (not afraid by anyone) the real truth and only the truth.
- I'll see what I can do ....
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It was all humor Mike, all good humor. ...And also in search of the real truth, directly related to this film here in question.

I might sound serious at times, but here I wasn't; only curious of other member's opinions from this very particular film.
...Technically, story wise, acting wise, picture, sound, and real facts too.

I've read conflicting opinions regarding this film, and I thought to be an excellent subject of conversation; to educate ourselves if this film is truly based on a true story, or if it is only fiction.
By searching deeper into the matter, at other audio/video forums, I was educated myself in asking few questions.
And then I googled, and to my surprise (I guess I was swimming blindly before), I discovered different stories than the one depicted in this film here.

I don't know for sure; I wasn't there when Bin Laden finally expired, and exactly when and where.
This film claims to be based on the true events from the book. Ok, let's talk about it; it is directly related to the film.
This is a "story" here, supposedly a true story. ...And part of history.

Sure, we can dismiss it all together, and simply stay on the superficial surface of it; great LFE from our subs, great details in faces and sand, she was great in her main acting role, the music suits the picture just fine, it was too long, boring, interesting only when there was action with guns and such, the surround sound effects were great in both rear channels, etc., etc., etc.

But that's the point here; a film for me is much much more than that; it transcends a message, it could be joyful, painful, making you pause and think, absorbing for specific reasons other than "chrome CGI" effects, boring because it just didn't rock your boat in the right current, and tons of other messages that each one of us could have felt.

I could have chosen 'Lincoln' instead (perhaps for another thread), but here it is 'Zero Dark Thirty'.
These are films, but they do tell a story too, part of a story, and part of our important history. They are as influential as real life stories themselves. ...Millions will view them, and feel something.

I could go on and on here; you all get the idea. ...And as a Cinema History student, and a Philosophy student, and an Art student, a Photography student, a student of Theater, Acting, our own World history; I still want to learn more, and better. ...That's all. :)
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We will never know how truly accurate the movie was. But the last 30 minutes was entertaining. Definitely not a great movie by any means IMO.

I did enjoy Lincoln and Argo this year.
'Argo' had more momentum than 'Zero Dark Thirty'; that was my overall feeling.
I was grabbed from a firmer and more involving hand. ...Story wise, and it seems to be much more accurate as well.

With 'ZDT' I was swimming, in a sea of incertitude, and just too much was missing, and few times I lost interest (and that is the last thing you want in a film), and by the end it didn't matter anymore. ...For me the last thirty minutes is just a "home theater surround sound system" type of operation, because picture quality, with green night vision goggles, is nothing to fret about. Yeah, people who loved that film, is mainly because of their surround sound systems with subwoofer(s). ...Just makes no sense at all! ...And mainly for those last thirty minutes!

A good film is not because of a pretty picture with CGI effects, and sound effects!
It is because it is an enriching experience for the soul, heart, and mind.
A feast for the eyes and ears, and vibrations through your bones (subwoofer), is not the end of all there is. No? ...Of course not, unless you don't want to feel the emotions, be impregnated by the story, follow the suspense, and think too much.

What is real joy? Be happy by all the fabricated/unrealistic sound effects and CGI effects reproduced on your screen and by your home theater surround sound system?
What is real pain? A film that is so boring that you cannot stop watching it? :eek: :D

How did you truly feel about 'Zero Dark Thirty'?
ZDT; I'm not even sure about the death of Bin Laden. Did he truly got killed during that operation? ...Or did he die ten years earlier as mentioned by so many people.
Just google it, and read the multitude of accounts from reliable sources.
Is the American government a reliable source? ...Over all the years and history?

What is the real truth?


Lincoln, that's for another thread. :D ...He was also part of the American government right? ...Abraham Lincoln; he was a president, a figure, a profiler, for his own profile in a society of riches and slaves. Did he right some'? ...The slaves?
Anyway, the movie was all act. ...And a small portion of American political history.