Working too hard

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>I think one of the hidden factors in our quest to enjoy our high-end audio systems is how hard our brains work at processing the sound we hear – less processing equals less listener fatigue.</p>
<p>Good friend and fellow Audiophile Mark Lewis wrote me a inspiring note that suggested he enjoyed his time in Music Room One with the IRS because he had less processing to do – everything more separated, clearer – the illusion of soundstage so real your senses had less to fill in and imagine.</p>
<p>We’re all familiar with the phenomena of Listener Fatigue – when something we hear is too bright or harsh, too loud, too complex – our brains have to either guard against or untangle the sound fields we hear and this is work! *The harder we work the less we relax and enjoy what we hear, the more fatigued we get.</p>
<p>Surely one of the very best indicators that you have everything in your system dialed in right is the feeling of wanting more after a listening session. *I can’t tell you the number of times I have listened to a new DAC or amplifier – found myself enamored with its sound – yet felt fatigued after spending time with the device or thrilled to put the next track on and can’t get enough of the experience.</p>
<p>Certainly some of this can be mood, but overall if you find yourself wanting more, you’ve got something quite right.</p>
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This is a great post and so true of many systems. They sound great and first and then after an hour or so - you feel so fatigued. Other systems however - have you wanting to listen more. Sources play a key role too, but its more than that. It's the actual recordings as well.