I love my 1060/1010 with Sasha's. I've heard quite a few different amps with them; from the Dag monos to the ARC REF 250's, to Ayre. My preference is the Boulder 1060 for Sasha's. I have not heard it with the Alexia, but the Alexia sounds quite different than the Sasha's. One thing I can say is that the 1060 is very neutral. It can sound very different with different cables and sources (just like the Sasha's, both are very chameleon-like). My only wish is that it had just a touch more power. It also doesn't need long to sound it's best (in terms of warmup), whereas the 2060 is a complete Class-A design and needs an hour or two. Also, FYI, the 1060 is a newer design than the 2060.