What's a record worth?

Mikes been killing it with his avatars lately!!!
Yesterday's was awesome as well!!

Anyway, record value? Most of mine were $1 - $7.99 I'm sure if you buy a
$50 mofi and open it. It's not worth much anymore. Don't think I could buy a $500 record for collector purposes. I'd wanna open it and listen to it.
I just cut open a record today that was sealed since 1973.
Aaaah the smell !!! But I got it for $12. Gotta love that.
I won't take it out of the cellofane and crack the spine.
But it's just cool that if you go look for a record and find a still sealed original pressing from 40 years Ago is priceless!!!! Vinyl Rules!!!
I'm sniffing out a rare gem. Big thanks to Jeff for a great list of vinyl must haves!