What makes a successful Hi End Audio company?


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
A question to ponder: Are successful audio companies innovators, leaders in their field, or just really shrewd marketing companies or are they both?
I vote both. In some cases they are great companies that make great products. In some cases they are really good at marketing an average product. In some cases they are both.
Talking High-End Audio company: Marketing 100%
Talking any Audio company: Innovation, R&D, good QC andgood Customer Service.
Success is defined sooooo different for everybody.

If it's financial success then marketing is a big big part. For example: Having the best speaker ever made won't be a financial success if it is a secret. On the other hand, if success is defined as making something "the best" then marketing has nothing to do with it and it's innovation etc.

So I vote for "both".
A CEO who obsesses engineering and the customer and who loves music.