What are you listening to tonight ?

Guthrie Govan with Mohini Dey vids this morning while I work.

This is the kind of music I want to see in Demo rooms in place of a single instrument and vocals :)

Your collection looks a lot like mine. I just listened to a track from this one on the way to work. Good Guitarist!

I also have the Satriani disks you posted as well as several others previously.

Check out some Andy Timmons if you don't already have him on the shelf.
Cool. I have Andy on some Simon Philips albums.
Now playing: John Mayer - The Search For Everything

One of the most under rated and understood guitarists today. His jams with Buddy Guy are awesome!

Totally agree with you. I think he gets a lot of heat from Internet forums from people who are jealous of him, claiming that he’s a no talent hack. They must never have heard or watched Where the Light is. That or they’re just stupid.
[FONT=&quot]Landau Ford Haslip Novak Renegade Creation 2010 Schrapnel Records, Inc.


[FONT=&quot]The Michael Landau Group Organic Instrumentals 2012
Tone Center Records