We’ve come a long way

PS Audio

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Apr 19, 2013
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<!-- #thumb --> <p>Terri and I are heading out early to try and make Missoula Montana by this evening so this’ll be short.</p>
<p>We’re at the end of our thought problem about what happens when we electronically make the room a different size. *I really wanted to spend some time on this subject because despite the fact it isn’t yet possible with loudspeakers in a two-channel room, it’s good to think outside the box a bit.</p>
<p>I certainly get trapped in the idea that all we can do is help the room be as non-intrusive and supportive as possible while, at the same time, maximizing the performance of our systems. *I think it’s important to recognize that we could actually control far more of our environment than perhaps many of us thought possible.</p>
<p>A few knowledgable people have brought up the idea of multi-channel as an alternative and yes, this is certainly a good direction if one is so inclined. *The work of multi-channel advocates like Ralph Glassel and Peter Moncrieff have certainly pushed the envelope of that technology far from the original days of Quadrophonic Sound.</p>
<p>We’ve come a long way.</p>
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<p>Paul McGowan is the CEO and co-founder of PS Audio Inc. a Boulder Colorado design and manufacturing company of high-end audio products and services. McGowan has been designing and building high-end products for nearly 40 years. Hobbies include skiing, music, hiking, artisan bread baking, kick boxing and cooking. He lives in Boulder Colorado with his wife Terri and his 4 sons.</p>

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We’ve come a long way</a></li>
<p>Terri and I are heading out early to try and make Missoula Montana by this evening so this’ll be short. We’re at the end of our thought problem about what happens when we electronically make the room a different size. […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/growing/11058/" rel="bookmark">
It’s growing!</a></li>
<p>I am guessing it’s time to simply get to the meat of this fantasy of mine: that of electronically enlarging the size of the room. *I am assuming we all understand the why of it, and now let’s go to […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/grande-messe-des-morts/11046/" rel="bookmark">
Grande Messe des morts</a></li>
<p>I’ll continue with the story of the invention of an electronically scalable room but today wanted to tell you about something I’ve been listening to that has me running around the PS offices grabbing whomever I can to come and […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/audio-show-dream/11041/" rel="bookmark">
The audio show dream</a></li>
<p>My revelation of the simple truth that we can never believe we are actually in the same room as live musicians, no matter how good the recording and the reproduction chains are, really shook up my world. *I had assumed […]</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/long/11063/]