I was just outside earlier, cutting wood (chainsaw), and doing other spring cleanup duties (prooning, chopping, lawnmowering, go to the dump yard, major renovations, painting, etc.).
Everything's free, even my time providing happiness to the wildlife surrounding me. ...And humans too. ...And the music is constantly playing (Classical music right now on the r.a.d.i.o.).
I don't let myself to get bored, I'm always inventive when it's time.
No one can influence me, or make me think like this or like that; I am in total control of my own life than you very much.
Look at the sun outside, look at the birds, look at the flowers, look at the girls in their spring dresses, look at the moon at night; everything is simply gorgeous and just what mother nature ordered.
Way to quiet at the Shark? ...Just wait till we hit 2,000 members! You'll want to go play outside for resting breaks!

And only you, nobody else, can adjust your brain so as you never find life too quiet.
It is better to be only few than too many without the resources to reinvent themselves.
Look at all the richness we got here: Mike, Joe, Mark, Jeff, AbsoluteSound, Stereophile, Wizard, Paul, Jeff, Jeff, Bob, Rob, Bob, Dewey, Fidel, Elliot, Al, and all the 180 fantastic members so far within the solid ramparts of our Shark aquarium!
* Is this the analog TT section?