Van Den HuL?


Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Just wondering on what peoples thoughts are on the top of the range in Van Den Hul? At the mo am using all Wire World Platinum & was wondering if anybody could compare the 2 or have you heard them enough for a tone or signature like in comparison? Would they be a step up or sideways etc.?
I have not heard the top of the line modern cables but I'm using a First analog cable in one of my systems to sweeten the treble. Wonderfully musical cable which works much better there than my SE6.
Top of the line cables will probably be a side move compared to WW.
WW must be more neutral and transparent. Van den Hul are somewhat coloured but sound very musical.
Thanks Jérôme, was starting to come to that impression from what very little info I can find on google, am working out the wiring in my next adventure.:brushteeth::coolbroguy::singing:
Have you try the Valhalla, I heard them with the 2301 and the Stradivari and sound it impressive, the Valhalla 2 is coming out in a week or so unveil at the Munich show

I like the Valhalla paired up with tube components more so than SS.. Just my 2c.
Have you try the Valhalla, I heard them with the 2301 and the Stradivari and sound it impressive, the Valhalla 2 is coming out in a week or so unveil at the Munich show

Great news. The Valhalla's are impressive cables and are a great match with Sonus Faber.

BTW, the Van den Hul's are great cables and represent very good value for money in Europe. However they have many types of cables and matching them can be confusing.
Don't have Strads or 2301's, not getting Vahalla either. Am looking for info from a technical side of things in the future.
Yes Jerome,it has been done,the Strads are about to leave very soon also