Jtsnead77: So far I'm liking the tavish a lot. I can't honestly tell you I have compared to all that much; my last phono pre was an Acoustech PH-1 with new opamps. But I am liking what I am hearing - my Adagio is semi-custom in that it has a larger power supply transformer than stock (Scott had built it as a custom order for a guy who cancelled, and was nice enough to sell it to me at the standard price.) Also has the uprated Jensen transformers, and I put some carefully-chosen NOS tubes in it. I had largely abandoned analog for quite a few years; kept both my tt's (The Micro Seiki you see above and an upgraded VPI Jr with MkIV platter which is at another location) but hadn't used them much lately at all. The thing that most shocked me when I got my new setup running is just how quiet vinyl can be. Obviously the Adagio's not solely responsible for that but I can tell you that at 64db of gain thru the MC inputs it is absolutely dead quiet; I can put my ear right up against a tweeter and hear nothing. So far I'm enjoying the heck out of it!!