The Whirlwind and a pleasant surprise


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
I have had a pair of Grado 125s for several years but rarely use them. My main rig has no capability but my Rotel Receiver and Hafler 945pre do. Last fall I had the Hafler serviced and re-capped but had not tried to use the Headphone Jack for many years prior since it was out of service.

When I first got the Hafler back in good working condition, I went to use the Headphones and only got nasty static and noise. I chalked it up as an Oh Well, should have asked them to fix that too.

Last night, I decided to just retry by first pushing the plug in and out of the jack a few times before giving any volume. Shazam! It was working just fine. I listened to a few things and then spun The Whirlwind by Transatlantic.

What a beautiful disk and music well recorded also. It was great to enjoy my cans again and looking forward to more private listening.