The United States / Canada border irregularities

That's pretty cool Gary.

Did you see that small lake that the USA stole from us? ...Yes, they went around that lake (rectangle) to claim that lake as their own! What a bunch!
Also, I live in the USA; if you account for a straight line cutting my Island!

Anyhow, it is quite remarkable. ...We the human race are a very strange animal species indeed. :derf:
* Are we using our brain to its full potential? ;)
I knew you would respond to that post!

BTW, we didn't steal any freaking lake from you ---- IT'S OURS. :lol:
That's awesome !!! How the states got their shapes is one of my favorite shows. Very interesting. How weird to live in the us and have to travel through Canada to get to school in the us. I think Canada should take over this areas it's too weird.
That's awesome !!! How the states got their shapes is one of my favorite shows. Very interesting. How weird to live in the us and have to travel through Canada to get to school in the us. I think Canada should take over this areas it's too weird.

Well if you did that maybe my taxes would go down...hehe
I just had to watch the Youtube again!

My Favorite part is at 2:45 "the inset on the map. . . " and that Bob could have been an American!
Might as well be. It's like it's own country up there.
Interesting quote on Quebec , I'm guessing they want out?
I thought the Quebec secession issue was resolved 15 years ago. It wasn't?
Gary, the new wave is the brand new charter of values; google it to learn more about it. ...It's a terrible thing, and I am strongly opposed to it.
It won't become law anyway; people won't allow it.

The Quebec government (PQ) thinks that they are exceptional people, with a unique and superior identity (culture),
and tried real hard for many years now (and still) to separate from the rest of Canada.
This new charter of values is another attempt towards that eventual direction, again!
They are testing the public, and trying to call new elections coming soon in order to form a majority government.
It's a tactic that is backfiring already.

But the BC government (Liberal) ain't any better. They are discriminatory towards the Chinese and Muslim people.
Plus they don't respect the right of their workers (WCB).

Anyway, I'm thinking of moving out of my igloo and to the USA in a tepee, with the Indians of the mountains.
Bob, I looked up "secessionist movements in Canada" and it seems everybody wants to secede and form their own country!