The thing about perfection

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>It’s not something attainable in a product – I have no desire to work on achieving it – it is a fool’s errand.</p>
<p>I bring this to your attention because of all the kind notes people have been sending me about the new power amplifier and my quest to “perfect it”. *I am not trying to make it perfect, for that is a goal that cannot be achieved. *I get it and I appreciate all the support,</p>
<p>No, what’s perfect for one is wrong for another, it is an illusion that can be maddening to try and achieve.</p>
<p>My goal is to create a product with no obvious flaws, one that thrills the listener and honors the music.</p>
<p>More than that would be to run in circles – I get dizzy easily.</p>
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