The real difference between Integra and Onkyo counterpart?


Well-known member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
I am trying to decide on an Onkyo TX-8050 at $250 and it's Integra brother DTM-40.4 at $500 for a small bedroom setup.

All I can find different is the front panel, silver knobs, one less display-dimmer switch. All the specs are identicle and when searching around the net, people say that from the service manuals, power supplies and processors and the likes are identical. I guess maybe caps and other smaller components may be different but hard to find proof.

Sales guys just keep saying they are very different but never tell you exactly what.

Any clues or input appreciated. Is the integra 2x as good? I am having a hard time believing it.
Maybe the salesman is saying they are much different cause he gets twice the commission. Lol!!!!
Maybe the salesman is saying they are much different cause he gets twice the commission. Lol!!!!

Steve, very surprised by your comment, you don't really think a "salesman" would do such a thing, do you?:snicker::roflmao:
Lol!!! I realized recently that unfortunately not everyone has my best interest in mind.
There is almost zero difference between the two because they are the same company. Think of it like Lexus is the luxury line of Toyota or Audi is the luxury line of VW, etc. The Integra line really has no more bells and whistles than the Onkyo line. The components inside and the way the system is designed is no different with Integra than Onkyo the further you go up the ladder. The other part of the equation is the customer service or lack thereof is the same. The warranties are the same as well. Compare the TOTL Onkyo with the TOTL Integra and you won't see a difference except perhaps one more little ability that is unimportant and mostly not used perhaps. The salesman is being typical and trying to upsell you into a lateral move for twice the price.
I found a few more minor differences like sub out for both zone 1 and 2, and a few IR inputs, ,2lbs heavier, 12vt trigger. But nothing to suggest one would sound better than the other.
There is almost zero difference between the two because they are the same company. Think of it like Lexus is the luxury line of Toyota or Audi is the luxury line of VW, etc. The Integra line really has no more bells and whistles than the Onkyo line. The components inside and the way the system is designed is no different with Integra than Onkyo the further you go up the ladder. The other part of the equation is the customer service or lack thereof is the same. The warranties are the same as well. Compare the TOTL Onkyo with the TOTL Integra and you won't see a difference except perhaps one more little ability that is unimportant and mostly not used perhaps. The salesman is being typical and trying to upsell you into a lateral move for twice the price.

You get a 3 year waranty with Integra, 2 years with Onkyo. Still not sure about the price being worth it.
You get a 3 year waranty with Integra, 2 years with Onkyo. Still not sure about the price being worth it.

It isn't. It's almost double the price for one more year of warranty and nothing will happen until it's out of warranty, if it does. It's like buying an extended warranty with tons of restrictions for one year at 1.5 times the price for an item that cost maybe $100 and replacing the item will end up costing far less. If it were $50 or $60 more than maybe. By the by, I'm an Onkyo owner = TX-SR705. Nothing has gone wrong with it and it's well out of warranty (about 5 years old), but it seems to be long in the tooth to me and it's only been 5 years. My old Kenwood first generation surround receiver went for 20.5 years before giving up the ghost. So if that says something about the parts quality and design execution.....
I just spoke to a dealer that did not seem to give me a line of.........

He said that the main differences he knows of would be for pro installs. The IR, triggers, extra sub out and a few other minor details. He also said the PS was North America specific and the Onkyo is more universal. Other than that, he said " I won't pretend that there would be any major sound and performance differences.

So at $250 vs $550, I think the Onkyo will be the no-brainer.
I am trying to decide on an Onkyo TX-8050 at $250 and it's Integra brother DTM-40.4 at $500 for a small bedroom setup.

All I can find different is the front panel, silver knobs, one less display-dimmer switch. All the specs are identicle and when searching around the net, people say that from the service manuals, power supplies and processors and the likes are identical. I guess maybe caps and other smaller components may be different but hard to find proof.

Sales guys just keep saying they are very different but never tell you exactly what.

Any clues or input appreciated. Is the integra 2x as good? I am having a hard time believing it.

Brian, get the Onkyo, save yourself some money and hear the same sound quality. :)

* $250 is roughly the price of what I smoke in a year. :derf: ...And why did you have to ask? ;)